Dispute, report or cancel a payment

If you think that a purchase was made or money was sent or received fraudulently, you can dispute a transaction. You can cancel some payments that you made using Google Pay.

Step 1: Check if the transaction is complete

  • A transaction can't be disputed until it's complete.
  • The amount shown for transactions that are still processing are temporary and may change.
  • After you cancel an order or payment, it can take some time before your account is credited.

Step 2: Check if the transaction was made by someone who you know

If a family member or friend had access to your Google Account or payment method and made the transaction, go to the appropriate section below.

Cancel a Google purchase

Important: This info is for individuals, not businesses. For more info about Google Pay for businesses, visit the Payments Centre Help Centre.

Contact the product's support team.

Cancel a Google subscription

Important: When you cancel a subscription, completed payments aren't refunded. Cancellations can't be undone, but you can always resubscribe.

Learn how to cancel a Google subscription.

Dispute or report a payment that you did not authorise

Dispute a payment for Google products

If you think that a fraudulent payment was made for a Google product like Play or YouTube, you can dispute a transaction.

Dispute a transaction that you don't recognise in the Google Pay app

If you find a transaction in the Google Pay app that you don't recognise, contact your financial institution or the merchant where the transaction was made.

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