About Performance Planner

If you’re affected by market changes, we recommend planning weekly rather than monthly or quarterly until markets stabilize.
Performance Planner’s forecasts are refreshed daily and based on the last 7-10 days, adjusted for seasonality. Your forecasts will take into account any impact of market changes during this time frame. We’ve updated our seasonal model to account for current market conditions.

Performance Planner is a tool that lets you create plans for your advertising spend and assess how changes to campaigns might affect key metrics and overall performance.

Using Performance Planner, you can:

  • Access forecasts for your campaigns.
  • Explore outcomes by adjusting campaign settings.
  • Understand opportunities in seasonal periods.
  • Manage budgets across accounts and campaigns.


  • Review your campaigns projected monthly and quarterly performance.
  • Get suggestions that can help your campaigns perform better for the same spend.
  • Find out how your spend and performance goals are affected if you change your campaign settings.
  • Choose the specific conversion goal that you want to create a forecast for.
    • Note: Conversion actions under a goal must be set to primary, and they should be added to forecastable campaigns in order to show up in the conversion goal drop down.

How it works

To give you the most accurate forecasts possible, Performance Planner takes into account billions of search queries, usually updated every 24 hours. Performance Planner simulates relevant ad auctions over the last 7-10 days, including variables like seasonality, competitor activity, and landing page.

After running simulations and collecting data, the accuracy of Performance Planner forecasts are measured by running campaigns against their eventual performance and Google AI is used to fine-tune your forecasts.

Forecast conversions are based on the conversion types in the “Conversions” column of your Google Ads performance reports or the conversion goal you choose when creating a new forecast. Learn more about account, campaign, and ad group performance.

Performance Planner includes conversion delay estimates for Search and Performance Max impact estimates. Conversion delay occurs when people click on an ad and then take some time to complete a conversion action. The estimates help you make more informed decisions about bidding strategies, budgets, and return on advertising spend (ROAS) by providing more accurate traffic and conversion projections. Conversion estimates reflect conversions expected within your conversion window.

Performance Planner can support up to 10,000 campaigns per plan and is also available for manager accounts.

If your campaigns haven’t had enough conversions to create a forecast, but they have enough clicks, you can manually enter a conversion rate to assess conversion forecasts.


Refer to the tables below to find out if your campaigns are eligible to use Performance Planner.

Search campaigns

Eligibility factor Eligibility requirements
Bid strategy

Uses manual cost-per-click (CPC), enhanced CPC, max clicks, max conversions, max conversion value, target return on ad spend (ROAS), target cost-per-action (CPA) bidding strategies, or target impression share bidding strategies.

Have not changed bid strategies in the last 7 days

Run time Have been running for at least 72 hours
Recent clicks Have received at least 3 clicks in the last 7 days
Conversion minimum Have received at least 3 conversions in the last 7 days
Budget Have a Search lost IS (budget) of less than 5% over the last 10 days (target impression share campaigns only)

Shopping campaigns (Standard)

Eligibility factor Eligibility Requirements

Bid strategy

Campaign isn’t part of a portfolio bid strategy

Run time Have been active each day with a minimum spend of $10 USD or more in the last 10 days
Impression minimum Have received at least 100 impressions in the last 7 days
Conversion minimum Have received at least 10 conversions and/or conversion values in the last 10 days

Campaign doesn’t have a status of “Limited by Budget”.

Target ROAS standard shopping campaigns (only): have a Search lost IS (budget) of less than 5% over the last 10 days0

A campaign with a shared budget is eligible only if all campaigns in the shared budget use a single Merchant Center account.

Display campaigns (Smart and standard)

Eligibility factor Eligibility requirements
Bid strategy Have not changed bid strategies in the last 7 days
Run time

Have been running for 7 days or more

Conversion or click minimum Have had at least 5 conversions (or 20 clicks for Maximize clicks) and more than $10 USD in cost in the last 7 days
Budget Campaign doesn’t have a status of “Limited by Budget”.

Demand Gen Campaigns

Eligibility factor Eligibility requirements
Bid strategy

Have not changed bid strategy within the last 7 days

Use a maximize conversions or target cost-per-action (CPA) bid strategy

Impression minimum

All ad groups have at least 1 impression in each of the last 7 days


Uses daily budgets

Not using shared budgets

State Campaigns should be active (not in a draft or experiment state) or have been paused for < 7 days
Conversions minimum Have had at least 1 conversion in the last 7 days

App campaigns

Eligibility factor Eligibility requirements
Bid strategy

Have not changed bid strategies in the last 10 days

Use app install ads with target cost-per-install (tCPI), target cost-per-action (tCPA), or app engagement ads with target cost-per-action (tCPA) bidding strategies

Run time Have been running for 10 days or more
Conversion minimum Have received at least 10 conversions in the last 10 days
Budget Campaign doesn’t have a status of “Limited by Budget”.

Local campaigns (Upgraded to Performance Max for store goals)

Eligibility factor

Eligibility requirements

Bid Strategy

Optimizing for store visits

Have sufficient store visit data in the last 30 days

Not optimizing for calls or directions only

Run time Have been active for the last 30 days

Not using shared budgets

Have an average daily spend of $500 USD or more in the last 30 days

Note: Upgraded Local campaigns that previously had access to Performance Planner will continue to be held to Local campaigns eligibility requirements, to ensure a seamless experience during the upgrade process.

Video campaigns

Eligibility factor Eligibility requirements
Bid Strategy

Have not changed bid strategy within the last 3 days

Use a maximize conversions or target cost-per-action (CPA) bid strategy

TrueView for Action or Video Action Campaign format

Conversion minimum Have at least 5 conversions and have spent $10 USD in the last 7 days

Using daily budgets

Not using shared budgets

State Campaigns should be active, not in a draft or experiment state

Performance Max campaigns

Eligibility factor Eligibility requirements
Bid strategy

Have not changed the bid strategy within the last 7 days

Campaigns with a shared budget are only eligible when they use bid strategies with a target.

Run time

Must be active or have been paused for fewer than 7 days

Must not be in a draft or experiment state

Conversion or click minimum

Use Maximize conversions (with or without bids) or Maximize conversion value (with or without bids)

Have had at least 10 impressions, 3 interactions, one conversion, and one conversion value (for conversion value-related campaigns) in the last 7 days

Budget Using daily budgets

Ineligible campaigns

Depending on the settings or state of a campaign, it may be ineligible to use Performance Planner. If any of the following apply to your campaign, it's ineligible to use Performance planner:

  • Has been changed to meet the eligibility requirements, but has been running for fewer than 10 days with new settings
  • Is in draft or an experiment state
  • Has been deleted

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