Dynamic remarketing for apps setup guide

3. Set up in-app conversion events

To provide a comprehensive and consolidated view of your Audiences and make audience management and optimization simpler, you’ll find the following improvements in Google Ads:

  • New audience reporting
    Detailed reporting about audience demographics, segments, and exclusions is now consolidated in one place. Click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon and open the “Audiences, keywords and content” tab and click Audiences. You can also easily manage your Audiences from this report page. Learn more About Audience reporting.
  • New terms
    We’re using new terms on your audience report and throughout Google Ads. For example, “audience types” (these include custom, in-market, and affinity) are now referred to as audience segments and “remarketing” is now referred to as “your data”. Learn more about the Updates to Audience terms and phrases.

In-app conversion events are used to track actions, such as completing a lead generation form or completing an in-app purchase.

If you’re tracking events beyond downloads in your analytics tools, it's helpful to share those events with Google Ads as "conversions". Viewing conversions allows Google Ads to gather more data, better optimize your campaign, and show you when users complete those conversions after clicking an ad.

Google Ads app conversion tracking supports tracking the values of the conversions. Ensure that the way your app implements conversion tracking is set up to pass the values of conversions to Google Ads. Viewing these values will enable Google Ads to use automated bidding methods (like Smart Bidding) and maximize campaign performance based on conversion value.

Conversion tracking with a third-party SDK

Google Ads works with some third-party app analytics providers to support in-app conversion tracking integration with Google Ads.

If you use third-party app analytics providers (including any of Google's App Attribution Partners) to track and measure your app conversions, work with your third-party app analytics representative to set up their SDK.

Conversion tracking with server-to-server

Refer to the Google Developer’s guide to App Conversion Tracking and Remarketing API.

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