Create and schedule performance reports from your manager account

You can create, download, and manage account-level and campaign-level performance reports across all of your client accounts, including those linked to sub-manager accounts.

This article explains the basics of creating and managing reports from your manager account.

Note: The instructions below are part of the new design for the Google Ads user experience. To use the previous design, click the "Appearance" icon, and select Use previous design. If you're using the previous version of Google Ads, review the Quick reference map or use the Search bar in the top navigation panel of Google Ads to find the page you’re searching for.

How to download account-level reports

From the Performance, Sub-account settings, and Budget pages in your manager account, you can download account-level reports for all of your client accounts, or just the accounts you choose. Here's how:

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads manager account.

  2. Click the Accounts icon Accounts icon..
  3. Make sure that the table contains the date range, columns, filters, and segments you'd like to include in your report. Segments that you've applied to the data in the table show up in your report as columns.
  4. Click download icon A picture of the download icon for Google Ads and Merchant Center.
  5. Select the format of your report (for example, .csv, .pdf). Your report will start to download automatically.

How to create and manage reports from the Reports page

Use your manager account's Reports page to create, manage, and schedule reports for all the accounts you manage. All of your scheduled reports, and up to 100 non-scheduled reports, will be stored and available from the Reports page. This total doesn't count against the number of reports you can store in your individual client accounts' report center. When you reach the limit, new reports will replace the old reports.

Here's how to create a report from the Reports page:

  1. Click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Insights and reports drop down in the section menu, then click Report editor.
  3. Click the plus button in the upper left corner of the page, and select how your report data will be presented (in a table or a chart type).

Your new report opens in the Report Editor. From there, you’ll be able to customize your report using the options described below.


As an alternative to creating a report from scratch, you can click the Predefined reports drop-down on the Reports page and choose from a set of ready-made reports that answer specific questions about your data. Learn more about predefined reports. An additional predefined report is available for manager accounts: the “Account” report, which displays basic performance data for the accounts you manage.

Report formats

You can download your reports in any of the following formats:

  • Excel .csv

  • .csv
  • .tsv
  • .xml
  • .csv.gz
  • .pdf
  • .xml.gz

Date range

To filter your report data by date, click the date range selector in the upper right corner of the Report Editor and choose from a group of pre-selected date ranges, or select Custom to set your own date range. You can also view a report that compares two different date ranges. Click the Compare toggle in the lower left corner of the date range selector, and select two date ranges to compare.


Apply segments to your reports in the same way as you do in your client accounts. While viewing a report, click the segment icon Segment, then select the option by which you want to segment your data, such as Click type or Device.

Accounts and campaigns

You can choose to have your reports show data for all of your client accounts and campaigns, or just the accounts and campaigns you choose.

To show data for specific accounts only:

  1. Click the pencil icon Edit next to “All accounts” in the upper right corner of the Report Editor.
  2. Select from the drop-down whether you want to view accounts by account name or account label.
  3. Check the box next to the accounts you want to include in your report.
  4. Click Save. If you select more than one account, you’ll see a preview of what the report will look like and some data will be grayed out. To view the data for all selected accounts, you’ll need to download the report.

Rows and columns

When you create a new report, you get to decide exactly which data to include in the report. To add rows and columns to the report, drag tiles from the left sidebar to the blue area in the middle of the page. Remove tiles by clicking the X next to the tile name.

If you choose to open one of the ready-made predefined reports instead, it comes with its own set of default rows and columns. Add or remove columns from a predefined report in the same way that you do for reports you’ve created.

In addition to the standard columns you can add to a report, the following columns are available for manager accounts:

  • Account: The account name entered by the person who created the account
  • Customer ID: The customer ID assigned to the Google Ads account
  • Labels on account: The labels that you have saved at the account level


Use filters to include only the data that interests you most in your report.

Important: "Level" filters do not apply to the Report. For example, if the "Directly linked" filter is applied, the results will still include non-directly linked customers. The "Filtered total" row still includes all accounts and campaigns that are connected to the manager account.
  1. Click the filter icon Filter in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Choose a filtering option, and create your filter.
    • All report filters offer the option of selecting items from a list.
    • Some report filters also offer the option for you to define the filter’s condition. For example, you could apply a report filter that only shows ads that received 1,000 or more clicks.
  3. When you’re finished creating your filter, click Apply.

You can send a one-time email of your report or have your report emailed to yourself or to other users who have access to your account at specific intervals. Keep in mind that users who have Email-only access to your manager account will receive reports if you choose to share the report with “All account users with access to view reports.” Learn how to share your report via email.

How to edit your saved reports

After you’ve created a report, it will appear in your Reports page, with details such as when it was created and by which user. The icon next to a report indicates that you can edit the report. Click on a report to make changes to it in the Report Editor. Learn more about customizing your reports with the Report Editor.

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