About ValueTrack parameters

Parallel tracking is now available for your account. Parallel tracking helps load your landing page more quickly, which can reduce lost visits. It sends customers directly from your ad to your final URL while click measurement happens in the background.  Parallel tracking is the only click measurement tracking method for all accounts. Check with your click measurement provider to make sure parallel tracking is compatible. Learn about parallel tracking.

The easiest way to start tracking information about your ads is by using ValueTrack parameters. ValueTrack parameters are a type of URL parameter you can add to your ads’ landing page URLs. These parameters collect information about the source of your ad clicks.

This article explains how ValueTrack parameters work with your tracking template. ValueTrack parameters are a good idea if you’re looking to learn more about the clicks on your ad or if you’re just starting out with tracking.

  • ValueTrack IDs are 64-bit.
  • Changes to tracking templates take 24–48 hours to be reflected in your ads serving after updates are made.

Before you begin

If you aren’t familiar with how tracking works, consider reviewing About tracking in Google Ads before getting started.

How ValueTrack works

ValueTrack parameters are a type of URL parameter. Each URL parameter is a piece of text that starts and ends with braces ({}), like {matchtype}. These parameters can be part of your ad’s final URL, tracking template, or custom parameter.

Once someone clicks on your ad, Google Ads replaces the ValueTrack parameter with a value that’s based on the details of the ad when it was clicked. For example, the parameter {matchtype} indicates the match type of the keyword that triggered your ad. When you view your data, instead of seeing {matchtype}, ValueTrack records the value "b" for broad match, "p" for phrase match, or "e" for exact match. When a value can’t be inserted, the ValueTrack parameter will be replaced by an empty space.

You can view these details in Google Analytics or in your third-party or site-analytics software.


Let's say you manage a shoe store with the website http://www.example.com, and you want to track what type of device people are using when they click your ad.

You could set your final URL to www.example.com. Next, you could add the {lpurl} and {device} ValueTrack parameters to your tracking template in URL options (we recommend setting this up at the account level). Your tracking template would look like this:


Now, when someone searches on their desktop or laptop computer and clicks on your ad, the URL they click through will look like this:


Using this ValueTrack parameter lets your tracking software track devices people use to reach your website.

ValueTrack parameters with "IF" functions

Some URL parameters have "IF" functions, which means you can specify a particular value that you would like to insert depending on the nature of the ad. You can replace [value] with any text that you prefer—this text is what shows up in your data.


You can see whether your ad was clicked on the Search Network with the {ifsearch:[value]} parameter. If you change [value] to search, you'll see the text "search" in your data if someone clicks your ad on the Search Network (for example, from a Google search results page).

Compatibility with Google Ads campaigns

ValueTrack parameters are compatible with the following campaigns: Search Network, Display Network, Shopping, Video and App campaigns. However, there are some campaign-specific requirements to keep in mind.

Use ValueTrack parameters with Dynamic Search Ads

Google will automatically generate the final URL in Dynamic Search Ads. However, you can use ValueTrack parameters in your tracking templates and custom parameters. Your tracking template needs to include a ValueTrack parameter that inserts your final URL (e.g. the {lpurl} parameter). See an example.

Use ValueTrack parameters with App campaigns

You can use ValueTrack parameters with your App campaigns if you're using a third-party analytics solution that uses Confirmed Installs. Learn more.

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