Archive creatives

When a campaign completes and you no longer need a creative, you can archive it to hide it from your Creatives list. When you archive creatives, they're automatically paused and filtered from view. Archived creatives can also be unarchived when you want to use them again.

When you archive a Display & Video 360 creative that's synced from Campaign Manager 360, there's no impact on the corresponding placement in Campaign Manager 360. However, if you archive a placement in Campaign Manager 360 that's synced to Display & Video 360, the creative can still serve in Display & Video 360, but only the default ad will serve.

Archive creatives

Use the Actions menu to archive creatives and clean up your creatives list:

  1. Open an advertiser, then click Creatives in the left menu.
  2. Select the creatives you wish to archive. 
  3. Click Actionsand thenArchive.

View archived creatives

To view previously archived creatives, use search filters:

  1. Open an advertiser, then click Creatives in the left menu.
  2. Click the Filter bar and select Archived. The filter will be applied and only archived creatives will be shown. To return to the full creatives list, click the X next to the Archived filter to remove it.

Delete creatives

If you reach the maximum number of creatives allowed in your account, you'll receive an error. To free up space for more campaigns, you need to delete creatives you're no longer using. To delete creatives, you must archive them first, which will automatically deactivate them. Then you can delete the archived creatives.

  1. Follow the steps above to archive creatives you don't need, then use the Archived filter to view archived creatives.
  2. Select the archived creatives you wish to delete.
  3. Click Actionsand thenDelete.

Unarchive creatives

To unarchive a creative, first follow the steps above to view archived creatives, then follow the steps below:

  1. Select the creative you wish to unarchive.
  2. Click Actionsand thenUnarchive to restore the creative.

Unarchived creatives will need to be marked "Active" and need to go through the creative approval process again.

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