Helping you comply with high fat sugar salt (HFSS) food and beverage regulations

Google has a long history of taking a user-first approach in everything we do. We support a healthy, sustainable ads ecosystem and seek to provide advertisers the tools they need to safely and effectively run their campaigns.

High fat sugar salt (HFSS) food and beverage ads on Display & Video 360

We support responsible advertising of food and beverages. With the introduction of regulations concerning high fat sugar salt (HFSS) food and beverage including ASA requirements in the UK and the AVMS Directive for the EU, advertisers may need to comply with new targeting restrictions. In October 2020 we introduced a self-declaration option for users which restricts the serving of ads to declared over-18s only.

The information reflected here is not intended to be legal advice and we expect all advertisers to comply with the local laws for any region their ads target, including local requirements.

If you seek to run HFSS food and beverage campaigns on Display & Video 360, you can self-declare the account. In order to self-declare please use the form here.

Effect of self-declaration

All the creatives in the account will be subject to the HFSS food and beverage restrictions outlined below

Display & Video 360 inventory Restriction

Auction (Open & Private): When served by 3rd party exchange

Fully restricted. HFSS food and beverage ads will not serve

Auction (Open & Private): When served by Google Partner Inventory

HFSS food and beverage ads will serve to users declared as 18 years old or over in the EU and UK

Fixed-Price Deals (programmatic direct and programmatic guaranteed)

HFSS food and beverage ads will serve to unknown users and those declared as 18 years old or over in the EU and UK

HFSS food and beverage examples

  • Sweetened beverages (soda, water, juice, coffee, tea, or sport drinks with added sugar or other caloric sweeteners), energy drinks
  • Doughnuts, cakes, sweet biscuits, pastries, croissants, sweet bakery treats
  • Fruits canned in syrup, dried fruit with added sugar
  • Chocolate nut spreads, trail mix or nut bar with chocolate or candy, nuts coated in candy or honey
  • Milkshakes
  • Pork and beef sausage/hot dogs, salami, prosciutto, bacon, fried meats, fried fish
  • Pizza, hamburger meals with fries, fried food (such as jalapeno poppers)
  • Candy, chocolate, sweets, sugar confections, gummy snacks, ice cream, marshmallows
  • Butter, salt, caloric sweeteners (e.g., maple syrup, agave, honey, sugar), coconut oil

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