Change a Password Sync configuration from the command line

Instead of using the configuration wizard, you can change the Password Sync configuration from the command line.

When can I change a Password Sync configuration from the command line?

You can change a Password Sync configuration from the command line when using:

  • Password Sync version 1.6 or later.
  • A service account for Google authentication. Learn more
  • The Password Sync application's security context to query Microsoft Active Directory.

For other configuration options, go to Configure Password Sync.

Change a Password Sync configuration from the command line

  1. Sign in to the domain controller as a domain administrator. The account must be from the domain controller’s domain.
  2. From a command prompt, navigate to the Password Sync program folder. The default location is C:\Program Files\Google\Password Sync.

    For example: cd C:\Program Files\Google\Password Sync

  3. Review the settings table below.
  4. From the command prompt on your domain controller, begin building the command.

    Start with the following command and append the arguments and parameters that you want to update. Precede each argument with 2 dashes and all lowercase letters. Enclose the parameters in quotation marks.


    Note: The final version should be a single command without line breaks.

    Argument Parameter


    The email address of your Google administrator.

    Example: --admin_email=""


    (Optional) Your Active Directory domain's base distinguished name (DN).

    When this parameter is omitted, Password Sync attempts to autodetect the base DN.

    Example: --base_dn="OU=users,DC=mydomain,DC=com"


    The full path to your service account JSON file.

    Note: The JSON file has a key that allows access to your Google domain. After authentication, remove the file from the system.



    (Optional) The Active Directory attribute that has each user's Google email address.

    When this parameter is omitted, Password Sync uses the default "mail" attribute.

    Example: --mail_attribute="mail"


    Runs the utility from the command line, without a GUI.

    No parameter required.



    When specified, Password Sync skips the service restart after saving the configuration.

    No parameter required.



    When specified, Password Sync closes the utility without waiting for the Enter key.

    No parameter required.

Password Sync configuration example

​In this example, the domain administrator's address is The Active Directory base DN is OU=users,DC=mydomain,DC=com. The service account's JSON file is located on the domain controller at c:\users\administrator\downloads\service_account.json. Each username is stored in Active Directory's mail attribute. Run this command without using the GUI.

Note: This example command is a continual single line. Any line breaks visible here are for page formatting only.

PasswordSync.exe --admin_email="" --base_dn="OU=users,DC=mydomain,DC=com" --credentials_file="c:\users\administrator\downloads\service_account.json" --mail_attribute="mail" --nouse_gui

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