Google Workspace Archived User orders & cancellations


Maintains an archived user’s Google Workspace services data and makes it available in Google Vault. Archived User SKUs are available for these editions:

  • Enterprise Plus
  • Enterprise Standard
  • Business Plus
  • Business Standard
  • Business Starter

Purchase the Archived User license that corresponds to the user's Google Workspace edition.


When an admin changes a user’s status from Active to Archived, the user is automatically assigned an Archived User license. The user's active Google Workspace license can be assigned to another user. Learn more about AU licensing.

Plans Flexible (monthly), Annual (monthly), Annual (yearly)

After placing an order

Resources for customers:

Order Archived User licenses

  1. Sign in to the Partner Sales Console.
  2. On the Customers page, click the customer's name.
  3. For Subscriptions, click New service.
  4. If prompted to select an order type, click Buy Google order.
  5. Select the Archived User edition that corresponds to the customer's edition of Google Workspace.
  1. If you have multiple billing accounts set up in your Partner Sales Console , select the billing account.

    • All customer orders must use the same currency, but you can use different billing accounts with the same currency.
    • All Google Workspace subscriptions need to use the same billing account.
  2. For the payment plan that you want, click Select plan.
  3. Enter the number of licenses neededand thenclick Save.
  4. (Optional) Enter a P.O. number.
  5. Click Confirm orderand thenClose.

Cancel Archived User subscriptions

When you cancel an Archived User subscription, the licenses are deleted and you no longer have access to the service.

With annual and fixed-term Archived User plans, you’re responsible for the full value of your contract. Your next monthly bill includes a closeout charge, which is the remaining value of your contract.

  1. Sign in to the Partner Sales Console.
  2. On the Customers page, click the customer's name.
  3. For Subscriptions, click the Archived User subscription.
  4. Next to the Archived User subscription, click the status button and select Canceled.
  5. For Annual/Fixed-Term Plans, review the number and price of licenses, remaining contract period, and closeout cost.
  6. Click Confirm.

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