Media Rating Council (MRC) accredited metrics

Last updated on September 5, 2024

The Media Rating Council (MRC) has determined that some metrics related to measurement meet the industry standard for accreditation. Learn more about the Campaign Manager 360 methodology and Display & Video 360 methodology for accreditation.

Which metrics are accredited?

If a metric is accredited by the MRC, the metric definition and tooltip will include the note “Accredited by the Media Rating Council” and the MRC logo. If you download a report from report builder as a CSV file, accredited metrics are listed in the row “MRC Accredited Metrics”. A metric without a note means that the MRC does not accredit it.

Accredited environments and format types

Not all environments and format types for a metric are MRC accredited. Accredited metrics apply to the following environments and format types:

  • Desktop display
  • Desktop video
  • Mobile app displaya
  • Mobile app video
  • Mobile web display
  • Mobile web video
  • (Some metrics) Connected TV (CTV) video

For Display & Video 360 YouTube & partners line items, accredited metrics apply to all in-stream ads, except those on the Google TV inventory source and those served on YouTube TV. YouTube inventory is not accredited for Campaign Manager 360, so use Display & Video 360 Report Builder to access accredited metrics for YouTube & partners line item ads. Inventory bought through Display & Video 360 Demand Gen line items are not accredited.

Report on accredited metrics

To report only on MRC accredited metrics, you need to apply filters to your reports and make manual calculations.

Filter for accredited environments and format types

Filter an instant report

  1. Create an instant report:
    1. In Campaign Manager 360, navigate to Report Builder > Instant Reporting and click New.
    2. In Display & Video 360, navigate to Reports > Instant Reporting and click New instant report.
  2. Drag the Clicks or Click Rate metrics to the "Column" area.
  3. Apply the filters in the tables below.

Filter an offline report

  1. Create an offline report:
    1. In Display & Video 360, navigate to Reports > Offline Reporting and click New offline report.
  2. Select the Standard report type.
  3. Select the Basic report template.
  4. Under “Metrics”, add Clicks or Click Rate.
  5. Apply the filters in the tables below.

Filters to include

You can apply filters to your report to only see MRC accredited format types and environments. The following table lists the format type or environment and the filter to include:

Filter type Filter to include
For display ads Media Type > Display
For video ads Media Type > Video
For modern mobile devices (Campaign Manager 360) Platform Type > Mobile Smartphone and Tablet
For modern mobile devices (Display & Video 360) Device Type > Desktop, or Smart Phone and Tablet
For web or app environments Environment > Web or Environment > App
For Begin to render Impression counting method > Begin to render
For measured sources Measurement Source > Measured

Filters to exclude

The following table lists the format type or environment and the filter that you should not include:

Filter type Filter to exclude
For guaranteed deals inventory type (Display & Video 360) Inventory Commitment Type > Guaranteed
For content positions and Google TV (YouTube & partners line items in Display & Video 360) Position in Content > Unknown - Out-stream and Inventory Source > Google TV
For Demand Gen line items (Display & Video 360) Line item type > Demand Gen

Metrics accredited for connected TV (CTV)

The following list of metrics are also accredited for CTV in the video environment and net of GIVT.

  • Begin to Render impressions
  • Invalid Begin to Render impressions
  • GIVT Begin to Render impressions
  • Inactive impressions
  • TrueView: Views (Display & Video 360 only)
  • TrueView: GIVT Views (Display & Video 360 only)
  • TrueView: Invalid Views (Display & Video 360 only)

Filters to include for CTV

Currently, the CTV environment is only accredited for video ads. You can apply filters above with the following changes for the CTV environment:

Filter type Filter to include
For video ads Media Type > Video
For connected TV (Campaign Manager 360)

Platform Type > Connected TV

For connected TV (Display & Video 360) Device Type > Connected TV

Filters to exclude for CTV

Filter type Filter to exclude
For display ads Media Type > Display

Calculate accredited metrics

Accredited clicks and click rate

For clicks and viewability based metrics, sophisticated invalid traffic (SIVT) filtration and methods other than "Begin to render" are not accredited by the MRC.

Gross clicks

Gross Clicks includes all recorded clicks, including invalid and valid clicks. Gross clicks is not a metric in the Report Builder, but you can use the following formula to calculate it:

Calculation Formula
Gross clicks Clicks + Invalid Clicks

Accredited impressions

MRC accredits some Begin to Render impressions and Active View impressions. Note that mobile app Begin to Render Impressions and Tracked Ads are not MRC accredited for SIVT filtration for Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360.

Gross impressions

Gross impressions includes both valid and invalid occurrences. The Report Builder does not have these metrics, but you can use these formulas to calculate them:

Calculation Formula
Gross Begin to Render impressions Begin to Render Impressions + Invalid Begin to Render Impressions
Gross Active View viewable impressions Active View: Viewable Impressions + Invalid Active View Viewable Impressions

Gross Active View measurable impressions

Active View: Measurable Impressions + Invalid Active View Measurable Impressions
Gross Active View eligible impressions Active View: Eligible Impressions + Invalid Active View Eligible Impressions
Gross Begin to Render impressions (excluding Inactivity) Begin to Render Impressions + Invalid Begin to Render Impressions - Inactive Impressions

Total net impressions

The total net impressions include only the valid Begin to Render and Active View impressions. This means that the impressions have been filtered for traffic quality. In the Report Builder, the following metrics measure valid impressions:

  • Begin to Render Impressions
  • Active View: Viewable Impressions
  • Active View: Measurable Impressions
  • Active View: Eligible Impressions

Net of general invalid traffic (GIVT) impressions

Net of GIVT impressions includes the impressions after filtering out GIVT impressions. This calculation still includes SIVT as part of the total. The Report Builder does not have these metrics, but you can use the following formulas to calculate them:

Calculation Formula
Begin to Render Impressions (Net of GIVT) Begin to Render Impressions + Invalid Begin to Render Impressions - General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Begin to Render Impressions
Active View Viewable impressions (Net of GIVT) Active View: Viewable Impressions + Invalid Active View Viewable Impressions - General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Active View Viewable Impressions
Active View Non-viewable impressions (Net of GIVT)

[Active View: Measurable Impressions + Invalid Active View Measurable Impressions - General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Active View Measurable Impressions]

- [Active View: Viewable Impressions + Invalid Active View Viewable Impressions - General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Active View Viewable Impressions]

Active View Measurable impressions (Net of GIVT) Active View: Measurable Impressions + Invalid Active View Measurable Impressions - General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Active View Measurable Impressions
Active View Unmeasurable impressions (Net of GIVT)

[Active View: Eligible Impressions + Invalid Active View Eligible Impressions - General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Active View Eligible Impressions]

- [Active View: Measurable Impressions + Invalid Active View Measurable Impressions - General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Active View Measurable Impressions]

Active View: % Measurable impressions (Net of GIVT)

[Active View: Measurable Impressions + Invalid Active View Measurable Impressions - General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Active View Measurable Impressions]

/ [Active View: Eligible Impressions + Invalid Active View Eligible Impressions - General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Active View Eligible Impressions]

Active View: % Viewable (Net of GIVT)

[Active View: Viewable Impressions + Invalid Active View Viewable Impressions - General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Active View Viewable Impressions]

/ [Active View: Measurable Impressions + Invalid Active View Measurable Impressions - General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Active View Measurable Impressions]

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