Business Profile overview

Business Profile helps car dealers view and manage local dealership information across Google properties like Search and Maps.

From a verified Business Profile, a dealer can review traffic metrics, glean customer insights, engage customers, and provide current information about their business.


It’s essential that customers can discover your dealership and its services across Google. Use the tools provided to receive insights into how your customers perceive and interact with your dealership. Business Profile is also the foundation to use Google Ads in location-based dealership ads.

There are various ways Business Profile is beneficial for car dealers, including but not limited to:

  • Manage dealership information. Keep information current for shoppers like store hours and phone numbers.
  • Engage your customers. Customer feedback is readily available for direct interaction.
  • View customer insights. Use our tools to browse how shoppers interact with your listing across the web.
  • Measure ad interactions. Store visit reporting provides analytics into how much foot traffic shoppers.
  • Announce deals and promotions. Every time shoppers search for your dealership, your announcements provide direct interaction with your customers.

dealership listing on mobile

How shoppers view your information

When customers search for a business on Google, information about the business may show in the knowledge panel near their search results. The knowledge panel helps customers discover and learn about your dealership. Factors like search relevance, shopper distance, and your dealership prominence determines whether your dealership’s information appears in the knowledge panel.

The information the knowledge panel displays for your dealership may include:

  • Website
  • Directions
  • Phone number
  • Store hours
  • Customer reviews
  • Photos
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