Mark your business as closed

If your business or any of its locations closes, you can update your Business Profile. Your Business Profile displays as “Temporarily closed” or “Permanently closed” on Google Maps and Search.

If you reopen a closed business or if any of your businesses are mistakenly marked permanently closed, you can reopen the location.

Permanently close a business on Search & Maps

  1. Go to your Business Profile. Learn how to find your profile.
  2. To edit your business info:
    • On Google Search: Click Edit profile.
    • On Google Maps: Click Edit profile and then Business information.
  3. At the top right, click Hours and then Edit Pencil icon / edit icon and then Permanently closed.
  4. Click Save.

Temporarily close a business on Search & Maps


  • If your business is closed for more than 7 days, closed for the off-season, or closed indefinitely, use the option “Temporarily closed.” If your business is closed for 7 days or less, use set Special hours.
  • If Google receives an update that a location is temporarily closed, you may get an email notification.

To help customers who search for your business by name and understand that the closure is only temporary, mark it temporarily closed. This status can also help the customers with the disappointment of discovering a closure through an in-person visit.

  1. Go to your Business Profile. Learn how to find your profile.
  2. To edit your business info:
    • On Google Search: Click Edit profile.
    • On Google Maps: Click Edit profile and then Business information.
  3. At the top right, click Hours and then Edit Pencil icon / edit icon and then Temporarily closed.
    • If you mark a business as permanently closed, your Business Profile may still appear on Search and Maps for users who search for it. It clearly shows that your business is closed.
  4. Click Save,

Tip: For broad queries, temporarily-closed businesses can rank after open businesses. This ranking effect depends on factors such as business category, query type, and how many matching businesses are temporarily closed.

Close multiple businesses

  1. Sign in to Business Profile Manager.
  2. From the list of businesses, select all businesses that you want to mark “Temporarily closed” or "Permanently closed."
  3. At the top, click Actions
  4. Select either Mark as temporarily closed or Mark as permanently closed.
  5. In the dialog, select Mark as temporarily closed or Mark as permanently closed.

You can manage an individual profile directly on Search and Maps. To manage multiple profiles in bulk at once, you can use Business Profile Manager

If you want to add another profile, on Google Search, click More More and then Add a new Business Profile.

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