
This article applies to the new Partner Center experience. If you see the "Metadata" tab when you select an individual book, you're in the previous Partner Center experience. Read Add a single book.

Add a new book quickstart guide

Quickstart guide to add a new book

The Play Books Partner Center shows you step-by-step instructions on how to:

  • Sell your books on Google Play.
  • Make your books discoverable through Google Book search.
Step 1: Add a new book

To add a new book to the Play Books Partner Center:

  1. Sign in to the Play Books Partner Center.
  2. On the left navigation panel, click Book Catalog.
  3. On the right, click Add Book.
  4. If your account has multiple templates, select which template to apply.
  5. Quickstart guide to add a new book:
    • Sell ebook on Google Play
    • Sell audiobook on Google Play
    • Create an auto-narrated audiobook
    • Offer a preview on Google Play Books only
  6. Select a “Book ID:”
    • If you don’t have an ISBN or EAN, click Get a Google book ID (GGKEY). After you're assigned a GGKEY, click Save & Continue.
    • If you have an ISBN or EAN, enter the ISBN or EAN in the box.
  7. Click Save & Continue.
Step 2: Provide a description of the book

The “Book info” tab is where you set up the product details about your book. This tab includes 5 sections:

  • About the book
  • Genres
  • Contributors
  • Series
  • Settings
You can navigate between these sections at the top of the page.

About the book

In the About the book tab you enter information about your book such as the title, description, publisher, publication date, and series information.
Important: You have to add a title in order to publish your book.

List of values you can enter

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Description
  • Book ID
  • Language
  • Publisher
  • Format
  • Page count (ebook)
  • Duration (audiobook)
  • Release date
  • Allow Pre-orders? (available if release date is in the future)
  • Publication date
  • Abridged? (audiobook)
  • Minimum age
  • Maximum age
  • For mature audiences?
  • Related books
Learn more about book metadata.


Important: Books need at least one genre for publication. All genres should be from the same subject standard.

To select a genre for your book:

  1. In the Genre tab, click the Down arrow .
  2. From the dropdown, select a subject standard.
    • We recommend BISAC (Book Industry Subject and Category) because genres in the Play Store are based on BISAC. If you use a different subject standard, we automatically adapt other codes to work with their BISAC equivalents.
  3. Enter a genre name or code.
  4. Select from the genres that match your search.
  5. To add more genres, click Add a genre.
    • We recommend a maximum of 3 genres per book.
    • The first genre should be the most relevant to the book.
    • Use the same subject standard for all genres.
  6. Click Save & Continue.


You can add contributors to your book one at a time. To add contributors:

  1. In the “Name” field, enter the contributor’s name.
  2. Click Down arrow .
  3. Select the contributor’s role.
  4. Optional: Add a biography for the contributor.
  5. To add more contributors, click Add a contributor.
  6. Repeat steps 1 through 3.
  7. Click Save & Continue.

Tip: Narrator is required for audiobooks.

Audiobook narrator settings

Based on the type of audiobook you upload, select Human narrator or Synthesized voice. If you upload an AI-generated audiobook, select Synthesized voice.

In the drop-down, find one of the following:

  • Synthesized voice - Unspecified
  • Synthesized voice - Male
  • Synthesized voice - Female
  • Synthesized voice - Based on real actor
Tip: All Auto-narrated audiobooks generated by Google Play Books will have Synthesized voice automatically selected.


The “Series” tab lets you add your book into a new or existing series.

Existing series

To add your book to an existing series:

  1. Click + Add to existing series.
  2. In the text box, enter the series name.
  3. From the menu, select an option.
  4. Select the series relationship type and then Save.
  5. Enter the book’s number in the series.
  6. Click Save.

New series

Create a new series


The Settings tab lets you choose how your title will be displayed on Google Play Books and other Google surfaces.

Ebook settings

Learn more about the settings tab.

Advanced settings

  • Show photos in Google Play Books?
  • Insert a blank page after the cover?
  • Create flowable text?
  • Show PDF?
  • Reading order (non-EPUBs only)
  • Territories
  • Show photos in Google Books preview?
  • Name of site for printed book
  • Link for printed book
  • Publisher website
  • Publisher logo
  • Enable download of all pages
  • Allow preview before the release date?

Audiobook settings

  • Sample length
    • Set sample length in minutes or % of book duration.
    • Default: 10% of the book's length, with a 1 minute minimum and 30 minute maximum.
Step 3: Upload content & cover files
In the Content tab, upload files for the content and cover of your book.

Basic requirements

Here are the basic requirements for the content and cover of your book:


  • Ebook content files: .epub, and .pdf.
  • Cover files: .jpeg, .png, .tiff, and .pdf.


  • Audio files: .mp3, .aac, .flac, .wav, .zip, and .lpf.
  • Cover files: .jpg and .png.
  • Supplemental PDF: .pdf.

Tip: We also accept zip files that contain only the file formats listed above.

For a full list of requirements, including how to name your files, review the file and upload requirements.

Pre-order content requirements

We don't require content for a book to be available for pre-orders. Audiobook pre-orders do require a cover file.

File processing status

Google will process your files to make them available on our platforms. You can find the processing status of your files on the Content tab. Learn more about book status message explanations.

Content reviewers

You can check how your book appears on Google Play when you add content reviewers. They can read the book on any supported device without buying it. You can grant access to a book to content reviewers before it's available for sale. Learn more about content review.
Step 4: Enter price settings

In the Pricing tab, set the prices to sell your book. To add price settings:

  1. Click the Down arrow  next to the currency and select the currency.
  2. Type in the price.
  3. In the field next to the price, click the Down arrow and select where the price applies.
    • To jump to a country in the list, enter the first character of the country name.
    • If you select “Worldwide” or “Euro area,” you can select countries that you want to exclude.
  4. To add more prices, click Add a price and repeat steps 1 through 4.
  5. Click Save & Continue.
Learn more about book prices on Google Play.

Additional settings

You can also add additional price settings to your books.

List of additional settings

  • Is tax included?
  • Effective dates
Learn more about book price additional settings.

Effective prices

If currency conversion is enabled in the Payment Center, you can provide a single price for Google to convert. You can provide more than one base price and specify the countries for each base price. Learn more about currency conversion for books.
Step 5: Review and publish

In the Review tab, confirm that all the information is correct before you publish the book. Click on any field to go back to the previous tab.

When you're done with book settings, click Publish. The book will be published within 24 hours.

Book details

Under “Book details,” check that the information is correct in these fields:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Description
  • Genres
  • Publisher

Content & cover

Under “Content and Cover,” make sure all your content is uploaded.

Book prices

Under “Book prices,” check that the information is correct in these fields:

  • Region
  • Your price

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