ONIX 2.1 for Google Play Books

This document explains the ONIX 2.1 tags you need to provide in order for your books to go on sale on Google Play Books.

Required, recommended, and optional tags
Required Not providing a required tag may prevent your books from going on sale.
Recommended Not providing a recommended tag may result in loss of Google Play functionality, but won't prevent your books from going on sale.
Required in this composite If you choose to submit a recommended composite, you must submit tags required in this composite for the data to be valid.
Optional Non-essential tags to be used to enable specific features (e.g., promotional prices, pre-order), or to enrich your data.
Required in this composite If you choose to submit an optional composite, you must submit tags required in this composite for the data to be valid.
Any tags included in your ONIX file must be non-empty, and in the order specified.

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File format and header

XML Encoding Required

Specify the encoding for the XML file.

When to include: Required

Type Standard Syntax
XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Issue Message Action
No Standard Encoding The encoding of the Onix XML file is not UTF8. There may be issues in the book metadata caused by the conversion process. Provide an Onix XML file with UTF-8 encoding.
Google strongly recommends using UTF-8 encoding for ONIX 2.1 and 3.0 XML files.

[January 22, 2014] This info message may be triggered even if your files are encoded as UTF-8. We are working to resolve this issue. If you have any questions about this error, please contact us.
XML Schema & Document Type Definition Required

Specify the document structure.

When to include: Either XML Schema or DTD required

Type Standard Syntax
XML Schema
<ONIXMessage xmlns="http://www.editeur.org/onix/2.1/reference">
...snip body...
<!DOCTYPE ONIXMessage SYSTEM "http://www.editeur.org/onix/2.1/reference/onix-international.dtd">
<ONIXMessage>...snip body...</ONIXMessage>
Google strongly recommends using the XML Schema.
<Header> <header> Required

When to include: Required

Reference <Header>...snip body...</Header>
Short <header>...snip body...</header>

This tag encloses the following information about your file.

<FromCompany> <m174> Required

Specify the entity sending the file.

When to include: Required

Type Text
Reference <FromCompany>My Publishing Company or Client Services Provider</FromCompany>
Short <m174>My Publishing Company or Client Services Provider</m174>
<FromPerson> <m175> Recommended

Specify the entity sending the file.

When to include: Recommended

Type Text
Reference <FromPerson>John Smith</FromPerson>
Short <m175>John Smith</m175>
<FromEmail> <m283> Recommended

Specify the entity sending the file.

When to include: Recommended

Type Email
Reference <FromEmail>john.smith@publisher.com</FromEmail>
Short <m283>john.smith@publisher.com</m283>
<SentDate> <m182> Required

Specify the date of the file. This field is used to apply the most recent metadata update to your book.

When to include: Required

Format YYYYMMDD or
YYYYMMDDHHMM (strongly recommended if sending one or more ONIX files per day)
Reference <SentDate>20130728</SentDate>
Short <m182>201307281805</m182>
Unsupported in ONIX 2.1 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS

Basic book information

<Product> <product> Required

When to include: Required for each book in the file

Reference <Product>...snip body...</Product>
Short <product>...snip body...</product>
<RecordReference> <a001> Required

When to include: Required for each product record, update, or delete

Type Variable-length, alphanumeric
Reference <RecordReference>myid.9789999999991</RecordReference>
Short <a001>myid.9789999999991</a001>
Google recommends using the product's eISBN-13 value as the Record Reference. The value used is this product's permanent identifier every time you send an update.
<NotificationType> <a002> Required

When to include: Required for each product record, update, or update

Type Fixed-length, two digits
Reference <NotificationType>03</NotificationType>
Short <a002>03</a002>
Code List 1 Values 01 - Early notification
02 - Advance notification—confirmed
03 - Notification confirmed on publication
05 - Delete
<ProductIdentifier> <productidentifier> Required

When to include: Required for each book in the file

Reference <ProductIdentifier>...snip body</ProductIdentifier>
Short <productidentifier>...snip body</productidentifier>

This tag encloses the following information about your book.

<ProductIDType> <b221> Required

When to include: Required for each product identifier composite

Type Fixed-length, two digits
Reference <ProductIDType>15</ProductIDType>
Short <b221>15</b221>
Code List 5 Values 02 - ISBN-10
03 - EAN-13 (GTIN-13)
04 - UPC
13 - LCCN
15 - ISBN-13
Where possible, Google recommends using <ProductIDType>15</ProductIDType> code>, and providing the product's eISBN-13 value as the <IDValue> .
<IDValue> <b244> Required

When to include: Required for each product identifier composite

Type Numeric
Reference <IDValue>9789999999991</IDValue>
Short <b244>9789999999991</b244>
<ProductForm> <b012> Required

Indicates the primary form of the book.

When to include: Required

Type Fixed-length, two letters
Reference <ProductForm>DG</ProductForm>
Short <b012>DG</b012>
Code List 7 Values DG - Electronic book text
<EpubType> <b211> Required

Indicates the primary form of the book.

When to include: Required when using <ProductForm>DG</ProductForm>

Type Fixed-length, three digits
Reference <EpubType>029</EpubType>
Short <b211>029</b211>
Code List 10 Values 000 - Epublication “content package”
002 - PDF
023 - Open Ebook
029 - EPUB
032 - Google Edition
<Series> <series> Recommended

When to include: Recommended

Reference <Series>...Snip body...</Series>
Short <series>...Snip body...</series>
This tag encloses the following information about your book.
<TitleOfSeries> <b018> Recommended

When to include: Recommended

Type Variable-length text
Reference <TitleOfSeries>Title of the Series</TitleOfSeries>
Short <b018>Title of the Series</b018>
<NumberWithinSeries> <b019> Recommended

When to include: Recommended

Reference <NumberWithinSeries>2</NumberWithinSeries>
Short <b019>2</b019>
<Title> <title> Required

When to include: Required for each book in the file

Reference <Title>...snip body...</Title>
Short <title>...snip body...</title>

This repeatable tag encloses the following information about your book.

<TitleType> <b202> Required

When to include: Type 01 is required for each book in the file, other additional types are optional

Type Fixed-length, two digits
Reference <TitleType>01</TitleType>
Short <b202>01</b202>
Code List 15 Values 01 - Distinctive title (book); Cover title (serial); Title on item (serial content item or reviewed resource)
<TitleText> <b203> Required

When to include: Required

Type Variable-length text
Reference <TitleText>My Title Text</TitleText>
Short <b203>My Title Text</b203>
<Contributor> <contributor> Required

When to include: Required for each book in the file

Reference <Contributor>...snip body</Contributor>
Short <contributor>...snip body</contributor>

This repeatable composite tag encloses the following information about your book.

<ContributorRole> <b035> Required

When to include: Type A01 is required for each book in the file, other additional types are optional

Type Fixed-length, 3 alphanumeric characters
Reference <ContributorRole>A01</ContributorRole>
Short <b035>A01</b035>
Code List 17 Values A01 - By (author)
<PersonName> <b036> Required

When to include: Required

Type Variable-length text
Reference <PersonName>Jane Smith</PersonName>
Short <b036>Jane Smith</b036>
<BiographicalNote> <b044> Recommended

When to include: Recommended

Type Variable-length text
Reference <BiographicalNote>I am a brief biography of this author.</BiographicalNote>
Short <b044>I am a brief biography of this author.</b044>
<Language> <language> Recommended

When to include: Recommended for non-English books

Reference <Language>...snip body...</Language>
Short <language>...snip body...</language>

This repeatable composite tag encloses the following information about your book.

<LanguageRole> <b253> Required in this composite

When to include: Required in this composite

Type Fixed-length, 2 digits
Reference <LanguageRole>01</LanguageRole>
Short <b253>01</b253>
Code List 22 Values 01 - Language of text
02 - Original language of a translated text
<LanguageCode> <b252> Required in this composite

When to include: Required in this composite

Type Fixed-length, 3 lowercase letters
Reference <LanguageCode>eng</LanguageCode>
Short <b252>eng</b252>
Values For acceptable values, see Code List 74 (ISO 639-2/B)
<NumberOfPages> <b061> Recommended

When to include: Recommended

When included, this data is displayed in the book's detail in Google Play

Reference <NumberOfPages>123</NumberOfPages>
Short <b061>123</b061>
<Subject> <subject> Recommended

When to include: Recommended

Reference <Subject>...snip body...</Subject>
Short <subject>...snip body...</subject>

This repeatable composite tag encloses the following information about your book.

<SubjectSchemeIdentifier> <b067> Required in this composite

When to include: Required in this composite

Type Fixed-length, 2 digits
Reference <SubjectSchemeIdentifier>10</SubjectSchemeIdentifier>
Short <b067>10</b067>
Code List 27 Values 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 26, 29, 33, 40, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 78
<SubjectCode> <b069> Required in this composite

When to include: One or both of <SubjectCode> or <SubjectHeadingText> is required in this composite

Type Variable-length text
Reference <SubjectCode>LIT014000</SubjectCode>
Short <b069>LIT014000</b069>
<SubjectHeadingText> <b070> Required in this composite

When to include: One or both of <SubjectCode> or <SubjectHeadingText> is required in this composite

Type Variable-length text
Reference <SubjectHeadingText>Labor and industrial relations</SubjectHeadingText>
Short <b070>Labor and industrial relations</b070>
<OtherText> <othertext> Recommended

When to include: Recommended for each book in the file

When included, the description and biographical note are displayed in the book's detail in Google Play.

Reference <OtherText>...snip body</OtherText>
Short <othertext>...snip body</othertext>

This repeatable composite tag encloses the following information about your book.

<TextTypeCode> <d102> Required in this composite

When to include:

  • Description: Type 01, 02, or 03 is recommended for each book in the file. Only one of the descriptions is displayed if more than one is provided, prioritizing 03 (Long description) over 01 (Main description) over 02 (Short description).
  • Biographical Note: Type 13 is recommended for each book in the file.
  • Additional types are optional.
Type Fixed-length, 2 digits
Reference <TextTypeCode>01</TextTypeCode>
Short <d102>01</d102>
Code List 33 Values 01 - Main description
02 - Short description
03 - Long description
13 - Biographical note
<Text> <d104> Required in this composite

When to include: Required

Type Variable-length text
Reference <Text>A sample book description or biographical note of a book (not of a specific author).</Text>
Short <d104>A sample book description or biographical note of a book (not of a specific author).</d104>
<Imprint> <imprint> Recommended

When to include: Recommended for each book in the file

Reference <Imprint>...snip body...</Imprint>
Short <imprint>...snip body...</imprint>

This repeatable composite tag encloses the following information about your book.

<NameCodeType> <b241> Required in this composite

When to include: Required

Type Fixed-length, 2 digits
Reference <NameCodeType>02</NameCodeType>
Short <b241>02</b241>
Code List 44 Values 02 - Proprietary
<NameCodeValue> <b243> Required in this composite

When to include: Required

Type Variable-length text
Reference <NameCodeValue>My Imprint Name</NameCodeValue>
Short <b243>My Imprint Name</b243>
<Publisher> <publisher> Recommended

When to include: Recommended for each book in the file

Reference <Publisher>...snip body</Publisher>
Short <publisher>...snip body</publisher>

This repeatable composite tag encloses the following information about your book.

<NameCodeType> <b241> Required in this composite

When to include: Required

Type Fixed-length, 2 digits
Reference <NameCodeType>02</NameCodeType>
Short <b241>02</b241>
Code List 44 Values 02 - Proprietary
<NameCodeValue> <b243> Required in this composite

When to include: Required

Type Variable-length text
Reference <NameCodeValue>My Imprint Name</NameCodeValue>
Short <b243>My Imprint Name</b243>
<PublishingStatus> <b394> Required

When to include: Required

Type Fixed-length, 2 digits
Reference <PublishingStatus>04</PublishingStatus>
Short <b394>04</b394>
Code List 64 Values 02 - Forthcoming
04 - Active
Publishing status and either product availability or availability code together determine whether and when a book goes on sale.
<PublicationDate> <b003> Required

When to include: Required

Format YYYY
Reference <PublicationDate>2004</PublicationDate>
Short <b003>2004</b003>

Sales rights

<SalesRights> <salesrights> Required

When to include: Required for each book in a rights file

Reference <SalesRights>...snip body...</SalesRights>
Short <salesrights>...snip body...</salesrights>

This repeatable composite tag encloses the following information about your book.

Where your book is available for sale is determined by the intersection of your sales rights, supply to country, and price country tags. If supply to country/territory or price country tags are absent, WORLD is implied.

<SalesRightsType> <b089> Required

When to include: Required

Type Fixed-length, 2 digits
Reference <SalesRightsType>01</SalesRightsType>
Short <b089>01</b089>
Code List 46 Values 01 - For unrestricted sale with exclusive rights in the specified countries or territories
02 - For unrestricted sale with non-exclusive rights in the specified countries or territories
03 - Not for sale in the specified countries or territories (reason unspecified)
04 - Not for sale in the specified countries (but publisher holds exclusive rights in those countries or territories)
05 - Not for sale in the specified countries (publisher holds non-exclusive rights in those countries or territories)
06 - Not for sale in the specified countries (because publisher does not hold rights in those countries or territories)
<RightsTerritory> <b388> Required

When to include: Require either Rights Territory or Rights Country, but not both

Type One or more variable-length codes, each consisting of upper case letters with or without a hyphen, successive codes being separated by spaces
Reference <RightsTerritory>WORLD</RightsTerritory>
Short <b388>WORLD</b388>
Values For acceptable values, see Code List 49
<RightsCountry> <b090> Required

When to include: Require either Rights Territory or Rights Country, but not both

Type One or more fixed-length codes, each with two upper case letters, successive codes being separated by spaces
Reference <RightsCountry>US CA</RightsCountry>
Short <b090>US CA</b090>
Values For acceptable values, see Code List 91 (ISO-3166-1)
<RelatedProduct> <relatedproduct> Recommended

When to include: Recommended

In Google Play, the digital book will appear when a user searches on a print ISBN if that print ISBN is provided in the <RelatedProduct> composite for a digital book using <RelationCode>13</RelationCode> .

In Google Books search, the "View eBook" link to the digital book will appear in the Book entry for the print ISBN if that digital ISBN is provided in the <RelatedProduct> composite for a print book using <RelationCode>27</RelationCode> .

Reference <RelatedProduct>...snip body...</RelatedProduct>
Short <relatedproduct>...snip body...</relatedproduct>

This repeatable composite tag encloses the following information about your book.

<RelationCode> <h208> Required in this composite

When to include: Required

Type Fixed-length, 2 digits
Reference <RelationCode>13</RelationCode>
Short <h208>13</h208>
Code List 51 Values 01 - Includes
02 - Is part of
03 - Replaces
05 - Replaced by
06 - Alternative format
11 - Is other-language version of
13 - Epublication based on (print product)
14 - Epublication is distributed as
15 - Epublication is a rendering of
27 - Electronic version available as
<ProductIdentifier> <productidentifier> Required in this composite

When to include: Required for each book in the file

Reference <ProductIdentifier>...snip body</ProductIdentifier>
Short <productidentifier>...snip body</productidentifier>

This tag encloses the following information about your book.

<ProductIDType> <b221> Required in this composite

When to include: Required for each product identifier composite

Type Fixed-length, two digits
Reference <ProductIDType>15</ProductIDType>
Short <b221>15</b221>
Code List 5 Values 02 - ISBN-10
03 - EAN-13 (GTIN-13)
04 - UPC
13 - LCCN
15 - ISBN-13
Where possible, Google recommends using <ProductIDType>15</ProductIDType> code>, and providing the product's eISBN-13 value as the <IDValue> .
<IDValue> <b244> Required in this composite

When to include: Required for each product identifier composite

Type Numeric
Reference <IDValue>9789999999991</IDValue>
Short <b244>9789999999991</b244>

Supply detail and prices

<SupplyDetail> <supplydetail> Required - Use to enable books for sale

When to include: Required for each book in the file

Reference <SupplyDetail>...snip body...</SupplyDetail>
Short <supplydetail>...snip body...</supplydetail>

This repeatable composite tag encloses the following information about your book.

<SupplierName> <j137> Required

When to include: Each <SupplyDetail> composite requires either a <SupplierIdentifier> composite or a <SupplierName>.

Type Variable-length text
Reference <SupplierName>My Supplier Name</SupplierName>
Short <j137>My Supplier Name</j137>
<SupplyToCountry> <j138> Recommended

When to include: Optionally, either Supply To Country or Supply to Territory

In the absence of a supply to country tag in the supply detail composite, WORLD will be implied. Where your book is available for sale is ultimately determined by the intersection of your sales rights, supply to country, and price country tags.

Type One or more uppercase two-letter country codes, separated by space
Reference <SupplyToCountry>US CA</SupplyToCountry>
Short <j138>US CA</j138>
Values For acceptable values, see Code List 91 (ISO 3166-1)
<SupplyToTerritory> <j397> Recommended

When to include: Optionally, either Supply To Country or Supply to Territory

In the absence of a supply to territory tag in the supply detail composite, WORLD will be implied. Where your book is available for sale is ultimately determined by the intersection of your sales rights, supply to territory, and price country tags.

Type One or more uppercase variable-length codes, separated by space
Reference <SupplyToTerritoryy>ROW</SupplyToTerritory>
Short <j397>ROW</j397>
Values For acceptable values, see Code List 49
<ProductAvailability> <j396> Required

When to include: Either Product Availability or Availability Code is required. Product Availability is preferred.

Type Fixed-length, 2 digits
Reference <ProductAvailability>20</ProductAvailability>
Short <j396>20</j396>
Code List 65 Values 01 - Cancelled
10 - Not yet available
11 - Awaiting stock
12 - Not yet available, will be POD
20 - Available
21 - In stock
22 - To order
23 - POD
30 - Temporarily unavailable
31 - Out of stock
32 - Reprinting
33 - Awaiting reissue
40 - Not available (reason unspecified)
41 - Not available, replaced by new product
42 - Not available, other format available
43 - No longer supplied by us
44 - Apply direct
45 - Not sold separately
46 - Withdrawn from sale
47 - Remaindered
48 - Not available, replaced by POD
<OnSaleDate> <j143> Optional - Use to enable pre-orders

When to include: Required to enable pre-order

Reference <OnSaleDate>20160726</OnSaleDate>
Short <j143>20160726</j143>
Unless the on sale date is specified using this tag, the book will go on sale immediately upon receipt of the ONIX file. The only way to prevent the book from going on sale on the day that Google receives your ONIX file is to set the on sale date to a future date.

Example: To send a book that will not go on sale immediately, but will instead be offered as a pre-order to be made available on a future on sale date, use the following:

   <SupplierName>My Supplier Name</SupplierName>
   <OnSaleDate>20151201</OnSaleDate> <!-- This date, in the format of YYYYMMDD, should be set in the future from the date the ONIX is sent -->
     <PriceTypeCode>02</PriceTypeCode> <!-- This should match the price type that you are configured to sell in the Partner Center -->
     <!-- Note, if you supply CountryCode, do not also supply Territory -->
<Price> <price> Required

When to include: Required for the book to go on sale

See our article on Currency conversion for books on Google Play for help with prices and currencies.

Reference <Price>...snip body...</Price>
Short <price>...snip body...</price>

This repeatable composite tag encloses the following information about your book.

<PriceTypeCode> <j148> Required

When to include: Required

The <PriceTypeCode> value provided for a given country or territory should match the sales territory setting that you provided for that same country or territory, in the Payment Center of your account.
If you have multiple sales territory settings in your Payment Center (e.g., a sales territory with the default retail-recommended price setting, and another sales territory with a fixed-price setting), you'll need to provide separate price composites matching these settings (see example).
In case of mismatch, your books won't be live in that given country or territory.
Type Fixed-length, two digits
Reference <PriceTypeCode>01</PriceTypeCode>
Short <j148>01</j148>
Code List 58 Values 01 - RRP excluding tax
02 - RRP including tax
03 - Fixed retail price excluding tax
04 - Fixed retail price including tax
41 - Publishers retail price excluding tax
42 - Publishers retail price including tax

Example: For a book with a listed price of 7.99€, and the following sales territory configuration in the Payment Center:

  • "WORLD", with the default recommended price setting.
  • "DE,AT" (by way of example only), with a fixed-price setting ("I'm subject to fixed pricing laws in these countries" checkbox, accessible by clicking Edit next to the sales territory).
Send the following:


<PriceAmount> <j151> Required

When to include: Required

Type Variable-length number, with decimal point when required
Reference <PriceAmount>9.99</PriceAmount>
Short <j151>9.99</j151>
<CurrencyCode> <j152> Required

When to include: Required

Type Fixed-length, three letters
Reference <CurrencyCode>USD</CurrencyCode>
Short <j152>USD</j152>
Values For acceptable values, see Code List 96 (ISO 4217)
<CountryCode> <b251> Recommended

When to include: Recommended

In the absence of a country code in the price composite, WORLD will be implied. Where your book is available for sale is ultimately determined by the intersection of your sales rights, supply to country, and price.

Type Fixed-length, two uppercase letters
Reference <CountryCode>US</CountryCode>
Short <b251>US</b251>
Values For acceptable values, see Code List 91 (ISO-3166-1)
<PriceEffectiveFrom> <j161> Optional - Use to submit promotional prices
You can now set limited-time promotional prices via ONIX using <PriceEffectiveFrom> and <PriceEffectiveUntil> (see examples below).
  • Promotional prices will go live at midnight in the purchaser's timezone.
  • For a one day sale, put the same date for the start and end dates. A book scheduled for a one day sale will go on sale at 00:00:00 in the timezone of each country where it's sold and will go off sale at 23:59:59 on the same day.
  • The date specified by <PriceEffectiveUntil> is included during the promotional price period.
  • For promotional prices, submit ONIX at least 48 hours prior to the start date.
  • Any price (promotion or recurring) that does not exist in the most recent ONIX submission will be lost. Therefore, each ONIX submission must include all prices.
Reference <PriceEffectiveFrom>20121231</PriceEffectiveFrom>
Short <j161>20121231</j161>

Example #1: To create a promotional price that is limited to the US, will take effect 2013-12-21 and finish on 2014-01-02, send the following:




Example #2: If more than one valid price is provided for the same date, the lower price will take effect. In the following example, on 2014-10-01, the price is 3.99 euros; on 2014-10-02, 4.99 euros; then on 2014-10-03, 3.99 euros, as that price is lower than the price of 4.99 euros that was also supplied for that day.



<PriceEffectiveUntil> <j162> Optional - Use to enable promotional prices
Reference <PriceEffectiveUntil>20130228</PriceEffectiveUntil>
Short <j162>20130228</j162>

See examples of use under <PriceEffectiveFrom>.

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