Release notes for Authorized Buyers

What's new on September 9, 2024

Review this article to learn about the latest features and enhancements for Authorized Buyers. 

Report and Optimize

Smart Throttling for QPS Efficiency

Smart Throttling is a feature to optimize for the best mix of queries to send to a bidder within their QPS thresholds using machine-learning. Smart Throttling will be enabled by default. To opt-out, ensure that you have sufficiency QPS capacity allocated to your endpoint configurations. Learn more about Smart Throttling for Bidders.

Other product or Help Center updates

Google RTB Protocol Deprecation

In addition to continuing to make sure bidders are on track for February, 15 2025 Google RTB Protocol Deprecation, Google RTB protocol has entered maintenance mode and stop receiving non-critical feature updates.


Coming soon

Data Transfer to sunset
Data Transfer for Authorized Buyers will sunset on September 6, 2024. Please contact us if you have additional questions.

Improvements to Tag ID population in app requests for Open Bidding and SDK Bidding
Open Bidding and SDK Bidding buyers will soon see improvements to identifiers populated via tag ID in OpenRTB requests for app traffic. The presence of tag ID helps bidders better identify publisher inventory slots and this launch will now close the gap in support for consistent inventory identifiers in app requests to bidders on OpenRTB. 

First-party identifiers for web environments

Ad Manager publishers will soon start sending first-party identifiers to Authorized Buyers and Open Bidding demand in web environments. For now, first-party identifiers will not be sent on EEA, UK, Swiss, and California traffic. Publisher first-party identifier is available in pretargeting settings. Bidders who filter inventory based on IDs must include this identifier in their pretargeting groups to ensure access to relevant inventory.

See previous release notes

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