Directrices de contenido para encuestas sobre marcas

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Third party research vendors certified by Google to serve surveys or send users survey invitations must adhere to the following survey content policies:

Privacy Policy  

  • A link to the research vendor's privacy policies must be visible on and accessible before or when the first survey question is displayed (though the privacy policy link is recommended to be visible with all survey questions). This includes surveys that are conducted within the ad banner and/or the separate browser opened from the survey invitation.

Recogida de información personal identificable (IPI)

  • Solo se puede recoger y utilizar IPI para ofrecer los incentivos pertinentes, y esos datos deben eliminarse inmediatamente tras la entrega de los incentivos.
  • Pueden aplicarse restricciones a los anunciantes para recoger ciertos tipos de datos, y no pueden recoger estos tipos de datos si también recogen IPI.
  • Entre las categorías sensibles sujetas a restricciones en relación con la IPI, se incluyen las siguientes:
    • Situación económica o información de la cuenta
    • Información sobre raza o etnia
    • Información o historiales sanitarios o médicos
    • Orientación o comportamiento sexual
    • Información sobre menores de 18 años
    • Opiniones e ideologías políticas
    • Pertenencia a sindicatos
    • Creencias religiosas o filosóficas

Age gating

  • Your survey may only be open to users over 18. While it is not required to collect the age of the user, the following policies apply if the survey asks specifically for age information:
    • If age is requested in the survey, it must be asked at the start of the survey with no other questions or fields on the same page. 
    • If the user is under 18 years of age, the survey must conclude immediately.
    • Collection of age is not allowed on publications geared towards children, youth, gaming, etc.

Google Branded Surveys

  • The survey invitation and survey itself may not indicate it is or appear to be associated with Google/YouTube unless the study is funded by Google/YouTube or unless given explicit written approval. This includes mentioning the Google/YouTube name, logo, and/or brand on any survey invitations or surveys. 

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