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Price data and transparency

With the price data file, publishers with a billing address in the European Economic Area (EEA) can access pricing details for billable advertisements served to an end user in the EEA. The file is available daily as a downloadable compressed CSV file. You can use your price data files to see how much you were paid per billable advertisement and associated fees related to the advertisement.

Once you've requested access to receive the price data file, it may take up to 48 hours for the data to become available. Any price data files generated will be retained for a minimum of 60 days. No report will be generated if your account does not have traffic served to EEA end users for the given day. After 90 days of inactivity, you will need to re-enable access and to continue receiving reports.

Please note the following about price data files:

  • Data contained in your price data file is reported in your account's default currency.
  • You are able to opt in to sharing your event-level price data with the advertisers buying your inventory. By default, you are not opted in to sharing your price data at an event level. If you opt in to sharing your price data at an event level, EEA advertisers serving ads on your site will see how much you were paid per billable advertisement. If you decline sharing price data, your data will be shared in aggregate along with other publishers serving ads for a given advertiser.
    • When opted in to accessing non-aggregate price data, Google will share event-level data regarding the auction gross revenue (media cost), sell-side programmatic fee, amount the publisher was paid, and other applicable fees charged to the publisher per billable advertisement.

      Advertiser data—such as the price the advertiser paid and the buy-side programmatic fee—will only be shared if the advertiser has consented to sharing that information. If an advertiser declines to opt in to sharing their price data, their data will be shared in aggregate.

    • Google will not share your event-level price data—such as the amount you were paid as the publisher and the sell-side programmatic fee—with advertisers unless you consent to price data sharing.

      If you decline to opt in to sharing your price data, your data will be shared in aggregate with other publishers also serving ads for a given advertiser.

  • Administrator user access is required to (1) opt in to receive price data files, (2) download price data files, and/or (3) share price data with advertisers.
  • Data in the downloaded files may differ from what you see in your account for various reasons, including the following:
    • The price data file includes EEA-billable events only.
    • The price data file may include unadjusted invalid traffic due to daily report generation.
    • Additional event signals may have been received after file generation.
    • Rounding of monetary values, currency conversions, or other billing adjustments.

Configure and request access to receive the price data file

Complete the following steps to opt in to receive the price data file. You also have the option to share your price data with advertisers.

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. Click Account and then Settings and then Account information and locate the Price transparency section.
  3. (optional) To access non-aggregate price data, turn on the Access non-aggregate price data setting to opt in.
  4. (optional) To allow price data to be shared with advertisers, turn on the Share your price data with advertisers setting. Review the disclosure information, and click Agree to accept the terms.
    By default, you are not opted in to sharing your price data at an event level. If you opt in to sharing your price data at an event level, EEA advertisers serving ads on your site will see how much you were paid per billable advertisement. If you decline sharing price data, your data will be shared in aggregate along with other publishers serving ads for a given advertiser.
  5. Once these settings are saved, you’ll be able to receive price transparency data. You can download data as a compressed CSV file from this settings page within 48 hours of opting in.

Download your price data file

Price data contained in the file may differ from other data sources for your account due to:
  • The price data file includes EEA-billable events only.
  • The price data file may include unadjusted invalid traffic due to daily report generation.
  • Additional event signals may have been received after file generation.
  • Rounding of monetary values, currency conversions, or other billing adjustments.

Complete the following steps to download your price data file:

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. Click Account and then Settings and then Account information and locate the Price transparency section.
  3. Select the date for which you want to download your price data file.
  4. Click Download. The compressed CSV file containing your price data report will begin downloading.

To view the data, open the CSV file in a spreadsheet program (like Google Sheets) or a compatible text editor to view its contents. The price data CSV file contains non-standard formatting, including a header table and a body table, which may require custom changes to interpret programmatically.

Price data CSV files may take additional time to download because they contain large amounts of data. Some spreadsheet programs may not be able to open the files due to the large number of rows.

Price data file structure

Price data reports are delivered in compressed CSV format and contain two distinct parts: 

  • Aggregate header table: The aggregate table is a summation (aggregation) of all non-consented events, organized by advertiser-publisher measure of payment, such as CPC-CPM or CPM-CPM. It doesn't include events that were (1) with a third-party demand-side platform (DSP) or (2) where the advertiser’s price data was disclosed.

    The table includes event counts grouped by line item monetization and delivery method (for example, CPC or CPM).

  • Billable advertisement table: Each row in this table is an event that represents a billable advertisement served on a publisher's properties. The data only includes billable advertisements for EEA traffic. Event-level data will include the auction gross revenue (media cost), sell-side programmatic fee, amount the publisher was paid, and other applicable fees charged to the publisher. 

    Some event-level data is redacted or unavailable, including in the following scenarios:

    • Traffic from a Google demand-side platform where the advertisers had EEA billing addresses, but did not consent to price sharing. (Reason: No consent; represented in the price data file as "N.C.")
    • Traffic from a Google demand-side platform where the advertisers were not in the EEA and served an ad on the publisher’s properties for the given date. (Reason: No consent; represented in the price data file as "N.C.")
    • Traffic where a third-party (non-Google) demand-side platform served an ad and that ad was served on the publisher’s properties for the given date. (Reason: No data; represented in the price data file as a dash "-")
    • Traffic where the monetization type between advertiser and publisher are not aligned. For example, the advertiser paid CPC, but the publisher was paid for CPM. (Reason: No data; represented in the price data file as a dash "-")

 Columns in your price data files

Column name Description
Event count Count of events associated with a given row.
Event ID A unique identifier for each billable advertisement. This value is unique across all files.
Date of Event The date the event occurred in ISO formatted date (YYYY-MM-DD).
Product Type The network type of the media. The values include:
  • Content
  • Search
  • Domains
  • App
  • Video
  • Game
Advertiser Paid Amount The amount the advertiser paid to the buy-side platform for the advertisement.
Buy-side Ad Serving Fees The buy-side platform’s programmatic fee charged to the advertiser for the advertisement.
Measure for Advertiser Payment The pricing used to calculate the charges to the advertiser. The values include:
  • CPC - Cost-per-click
  • CPM - Cost-per-mille (Cost per 1000 Impressions)
  • CPA - Cost-per-action
  • CPV - Cost-per-view
  • CPD - Cost-per-day
Auction Gross Revenue (Media Cost) The amount of the buy-side platform paid into the auction.
Effective Media Cost The media cost after deducting any revenue share taken by a platform partner. If the site is not linked to a platform partner, this is the same as media cost.
Recognized Media Cost The media cost reflecting revenue recognized by Google and excluding amounts paid by advertisers.
Sell-side Programmatic Fee The amount of the sell-side platform paid into by the publisher for the advertisement.
Publisher Programmatic Payout The amount the publisher was paid for the advertisement.
Measure for Publisher Payment The measure by which the publisher was remunerated. Allowable values:
  • CPC - Cost-per-click
  • CPM - Cost-per-mille (Cost per 1000 Impressions)
  • CPA - Cost-per-action
  • CPV - Cost-per-view
  • CPD - Cost-per-day
  • vCPM - Cost-per-viewable mille (Cost per 1000 viewable impressions)

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