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Use metrics to understand engagement

Keeping track of how your messages are performing can help you understand your users better, as well as how they interact with your sites.

Use the metrics card at the top of the Messages page for certain message types to keep track of your rate at which your messages are being displayed to users and the choices they select. Download and review the related .CSV file for a more dynamic and in-depth view of the data.

Metrics card

Find the metrics card

Complete the following steps to view the metrics card for a specific privacy regulation:

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. Click Privacy & messaging.
  3. Click Manage on one of the message type cards on the Privacy & messaging page. The metrics card is located at the top of the Messages page for each message type.

The Privacy & messaging user interface displaying metrics related to messages.

Displayed metrics

The following tables describe the metrics displayed in the metrics card for each message type.

European regulations messages

Metric Description

Messages shown

Number of European regulations messages shown to users. Aggregated over the last 30 days.

Consent rate

Percentage of European regulations messages where the user consented to all of the purposes and vendors. Aggregated over the last 30 days.

Formula: (Messages where the user consented to all purposes and vendors) / (European regulations messages with an outcome)

Includes instances where the user clicked "Consent" and where the user consented to all options in the custom consent flow. The denominator excludes messages without an outcome. 

US states regulations messages



Messages shown

Number of US state regulations messages shown to users.

Opt-out rate

Percentage of US state regulations messages where users chose the opt-out option. Aggregated over the last 30 days from sites in AdSense and Ad Manager.

Ad blocking recovery messages



Messages shown

Number of ad blocking recovery messages shown to users. Aggregated over the last 30 days.

Extension rate

Percentage of page views where users had ad blocker extensions installed. Includes only Desktop page views. Aggregated over the last 30 days.

Ad blocking recovery message conversions

Number of ad-blocking messages shown in the last 30 days that resulted in users adding the site to their allowlist to view ads.

CSV report

In addition to the metrics card, this information is also available in a .CSV file that contains additional metrics and dimensions. To download the .CSV file, click Download in the metrics card.

Dimensions and metrics




Operating system group

The device operating system (Windows, Linux, or Mac).


The date on which the message was displayed.

Domain name

The site domain associated with the message.

European regulations messages



European regulations messages shown

Number of European regulations messages shown to users.

European regulations consent all

Number of European regulations messages where the user consented to all of the purposes and vendors. Includes instances where the user clicked "Consent" and where the user consented to all options in the custom consent flow.

European regulations custom consent

Number of European regulations messages where the user made a consent choice after selecting "Manage options". Excludes instances where the user consented or rejected all purposes and vendors.

European regulations no consent

Number of European regulations messages where the user rejected all purposes and vendors. Includes instances where the user clicked "Do not consent" and where the user rejected all options in the custom consent flow.

European regulations no decision

Number of European regulations messages where the user didn’t finish the message flow and therefore the message didn’t have any outcome.

US state regulations messages



Messages shown

Number of US state regulations messages shown to users.

Opt-out rate

Percentage of US state regulations messages where users chose the opt-out option.

Ad blocking recovery messages



Ad blocking recovery messages shown

Number of ad blocking recovery messages shown to users.

Ad blocking extension rate

Percentage of page views where users had ad blocker extensions installed. Includes only Desktop page views.

Ad blocking allowlisted page views

Number of page views generated by users with an ad blocking extension installed who were shown the ad blocking recovery message and later allowed ads.

Ad blocking recovery message conversions

Number of ad-blocking messages shown in the selected date range that resulted in users adding the site to their allowlist to view ads.

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