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Add a consent revocation link to your site

Consent revocability is a requirement of the Privacy & messaging user consent program. AdSense will automatically add the required European regulations message revocation link to sites on which you display European regulations messages. You may choose to also include a consent revocation link on your data, cookie, or privacy policy page.

Consent revocation is the process by which users in the EEA (European Economic Area), the UK, and Switzerland who consented to personalized ads can revoke that consent. You must provide a link at the bottom of your site that allows users who want to revoke consent to do so, then present the consent message to those users again. 

AdSense will automatically add the required European regulations message revocation link to sites on which you display European regulations messages. These links will only be added to sites that have been approved and also contain the AdSense code, and will be accompanied by text that states that you comply with the IAB TCF v2.0 policies.

Consent revocation function (Google API)

Use the following function to call the revocation flow: googlefc.callbackQueue.push(googlefc.showRevocationMessage)

For example:

<a href=”javascript:googlefc.callbackQueue.push(googlefc.showRevocationMessage)”>Privacy and cookie settings</a>.

Consent revocation function (AMP)

Place the following code after the closing </amp-consent> tag in your site's HTML code to call the revocation flow:

<div id="fcConsentRevocation">
    <button on="googleFC.prompt(consent=googleFC, expireCache=true)">Privacy and cookie settings</button>

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