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Use metrics to understand engagement

nuKeeping track of how your messages are performing can help you understand your app users better, as well as how they interact with your apps.

Use the metrics card at the top of the Messages page for certain message types to keep track of your rate at which your messages are being displayed to app users and the choices they select. Download and review the related .CSV file for a more dynamic and in-depth view of the data.

Reports include data for all your apps set up in Ad Manager and AdMob that display messages to users.

Metrics card

Find the metrics card

Complete the following steps to view the metrics card for a specific privacy regulation:

  1. Sign in to your AdMob account at
  2. Click Privacy & messaging.
  3. Click Manage on one of the message type cards on the Privacy & messaging page. The metrics card is located at the top of the Messages page.

The Privacy & messaging user interface displaying metrics related to messages.

Displayed metrics

The following tables describe the metrics displayed in the metrics card for each message type.

European regulations messages

European regulations messaging metrics will not be available with ad unit deployment. Instead, implement European regulations messaging in your apps using the UMP SDK for detailed reporting support.
Metric Description

Messages shown

Number of European regulations message shown to users across all applicable sites/apps. Aggregated over the last 30 days.

Consent rate

Percentage of European regulations messages where the user consented to all of the purposes and vendors. Aggregated over the last 30 days.

Formula: (Messages where the user consented to all purposes and vendors) / (European regulations messages with an outcome)

Includes instances where the user clicked "Consent" and where the user consented to all options in the custom consent flow. The denominator excludes messages without an outcome.

IDFA messages

Metric Description

Messages shown

Number of IDFA messages shown to users. Includes both IDFA explainers and European regulations messages shown immediately before the iOS ATT alert.

ATT consent rate

Percentage of iOS ATT alerts triggered by the IDFA message where the outcome was to allow tracking. Calculated as the IDFA ATT consent metric divided by the total number of times the ATT alert was shown.

Formula: (iOS ATT alerts where outcome was "Allow tracking") / (iOS ATT alerts)

CSV report

In addition to the metrics card, this information is also available in a .CSV file that contains additional metrics and dimensions. To download the .CSV file, click Download in the metrics card.

Dimensions and metrics


Dimension Description

Operating system group

The device operating system (Android or iOS).


The date on which the message was displayed.

App ID

The unique ID associated with the app in AdMob.

App store ID

The unique ID assigned to the app by the app store.

App store

The name of the app store from which the app was downloaded.

European regulations messages

Metric Description

European regulations messages shown

Number of European regulations messages shown to users.

European regulations consent all

Number of European regulations messages where the user consented to all of the purposes and vendors. Includes instances where the user clicked "Consent" and where the user consented to all options in the custom consent flow.

European regulations custom consent

Number of European regulations messages where the user made a consent choice after selecting "Manage options". Excludes instances where the user consented or rejected all purposes and vendors.

European regulations no consent

Number of European regulations messages where the user rejected all purposes and vendors. Includes instances where the user clicked "Do not consent" and where the user rejected all options in the custom consent flow.

European regulations no decision

Number of European regulations messages where the user didn’t finish the message flow and therefore the message didn’t have any outcome.

US regulations messages

Metric Description

Opt-out selection

Number of times users chose the opt-out option in the previous 30 days for a US States or CCPA message.

Messages shown

Number of US state regulations messages shown to users. Aggregated over the last 30 days.

IDFA messages

Metric Description

Messages shown

Number of IDFA messages shown to users. Includes both IDFA explainers and European regulations messages shown immediately before the iOS ATT alert. Aggregated over the last 30 days.

ATT consent rate

Percentage of iOS ATT alerts triggered by the IDFA message where the outcome was to allow tracking. Calculated as the IDFA ATT consent metric divided by the total number of times the ATT alert was shown. Aggregated over the last 30 days.

Formula: (iOS ATT alerts where outcome was "Allow tracking") / (iOS ATT alerts)

Ads personalization messages (Beta)  

Metric Description

opt-out ratio

Percentage of ads personalization controls messages where users chose the opt-out option. Aggregated over the last 30 days.

Includes page views where users consented to all options in a custom consent message. Excludes page views that resulted in no decision.

The opt-out ratio is calculated as: (Custom consent message opt-outs) / (All ads personalization messages shown)

Ads personalization
settings messages shown

Number of ads personalization controls messages shown to users. Aggregated over the last 30 days.

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Show your support to promote DEI in Gaming by turning intentions into action!

Check out the newly launched Diversity in Gaming website, where you can find video stories and written pledges from global gaming developers. This campaign centers on 3 pillars: diverse teams, diverse games and diverse audiences showing how diversity is not just good for gamers, but for business as well. Show your support by taking the pledge to promote DEI in Gaming and share it on social!

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