Report on video true opportunities

Only available in Google Ad Manager 360
Video true opportunities is a Google Ad Manager 360 feature which might not be turned on for your network.

You can view Ad Manager video performance, including video opportunities, opportunities that were capped based on your settings, and those that matched based on ad break duration with a video true opportunities report.

These report metrics allow you to accurately report on your true video opportunities by taking into account user drop-off, the duration you consider to be an ad opportunity, and your restrictions on max ads for your ad pod.

Set the ad opportunity duration for your network

The "Ad opportunity duration" is the duration (in seconds) used to calculate reporting for unfilled queries in optimized pods, and video true opportunities, and is always rounded down.


If the duration is set to 30 seconds, an optimized pod with 2 minutes of unfilled ad duration will report 4 unfilled queries, representing 4 opportunities. Changing this value only affects future data. It does not change past calculations.

You can see some more examples, below.

This setting was formerly called "Unfilled ad duration in optimized pods" and defaults to 30 seconds. Changing this value only affects future data in reporting. It does not change past calculations.
  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Admin, then Video and audio.
  3. Locate the "Ad opportunity duration" setting in the "General settings", and enter the number of seconds.
  4. Click Save.

Run a report for video true opportunities

  1. Create a report as you normally would in Ad Manager.
  2. Choose Historical as the report type and select your date range.
  3. (Optional) Click Add filter to refine your report data and include only items you specify.
  4. Choose which data to display in your report by selecting supported dimensions and metrics, including the true opportunities metrics.

    The custom spot dimension allows you to break out your opportunities and matched opportunities based on the setup of your custom spot break template.
  5. Set up report scheduling and permissions.
  6. Click Run to run your report, or click Save to save the report.
See supported dimensions


  • City
  • Country
  • Region

Time unit

  • Date


  • Ad unit
  • Requested ad sizes

CMS metadata

Content metadata

  • Content
  • Content bundle


  • Ad request duration
  • Custom spot
  • Continuous play type
  • Position in pod*
  • Position of pod
See descriptions of Ad Manager report dimensions.

* For opportunities, the "Position in pod" will always report as "Position 1".

Metrics available to report on true opportunities

True opportunities
The number of video ad opportunities reached by a user (rounded down). Opportunities are counted regardless of impressions or errors, including empty VAST responses.

See examples

For ads that the user reaches:

Total video opportunities =
Ad break duration / Ad opportunity duration
(rounded down)


  • 200-second ad break, 30-second ad opportunity duration
    • 6 opportunities
  • 180-second ad break, 30-second ad opportunity duration
    • 6 opportunities
  • 109-second ad break, 10-second ad opportunity duration
    • 10 opportunities

Capped opportunities
The number of video ad opportunities reached by a user (rounded down, or capped based on your max ads setting, whichever is less). Capped opportunities are counted regardless of impressions or errors, including empty VAST responses.

See examples

For ads that the user reaches:

Video capped opportunities =
Max ad break duration / Ad opportunity duration
(rounded down, or capped based on your max ads setting, whichever is less)


  • 180-second ad break, max ads set to 5, 30-second ad opportunity duration
    • 6 opportunities
    • 5 capped opportunities

Matched opportunities
The number of video ad opportunities where the break duration was filled (rounded down), even if less than 50% of ad break duration is filled.

See examples

For ads that the user reaches:

Video matched opportunities =
Seconds filled in the ad break / Ad opportunity duration
(rounded down)


  • 200-seconds of ads filled, 30-second ad opportunity duration
    • 6 opportunities
  • 180-seconds of ads filled, 30-second ad opportunity duration
    • 6 opportunities
  • 179-seconds of ads filled, 30-second ad opportunity duration
    • 5 matched opportunities
"Video opportunities", "Capped opportunities", and "Matched opportunities" are based on the ad opportunity duration network setting, and are always rounded down.

Matched duration (seconds)
The total number of seconds filled.

For inline VMAP, this duration is only counted when a breakStart event is reached. For any other break, it's only counted when the first ad in the pod is viewed.

This metric is compatible with custom spots, and allows you to understand the filled time, by spot.


Total duration (seconds)
The total number of seconds available to be filled.

It is the total duration including both filled and unfilled.

This metric is compatible with custom spots, and allows you to understand the available time, by spot.

You can subtract matched duration from the total duration to calculate the unfilled duration in pods.

Break start
The total number of breaks starts or errors for the first ad in a pod that users made it to.

For inline VMAP, this is the number of breakStart events reached. For any other break, it is the view event for the first ad in the pod.

Break end
The total number of breaks completed or fatal errors for the last ad in the pod.

For inline VMAP, this is the number of breakEnd events reached. For any other break, it is the view event for the last ad in the pod.

The "Break start" and "Break end" metrics are counted for inline VMAP, and for non-inline VMAP for optimized pods. Standard pods must rely on inline VMAP.

You can subtract "Break end" from "Break start" to calculate in-pod drop-off.

True opportunities for single ad requests

If max_ad_duration is included in the ad request:

Total duration = The max_ad_duration.
Matched duration = The actual filled duration of the ad.
True opportunities = The max_ad_duration / 30 (rounded down).
Capped opportunities = The lesser of: [ 1 ] or [ max_ad_duration / 30 (rounded down) ].
Matched opportunities = The Matched duration / 30 (rounded down).

If max_ad_duration is not included in the ad request:

Total duration = The actual filled duration of the ad.
Matched duration = The actual filled duration of the ad.
True opportunities = 1
Capped opportunities = 1
Matched opportunities = The lesser of: [ 1 ] or [ Matched duration / 30 (rounded down) ].

User drop-off in true opportunity reporting

Opportunities are only counted if a user makes it to the ad break, as described below. This means that if a user loads a stream for a 2-hour movie, but drops off after the pre-roll, only the pre-roll counts as an opportunity. Comparing ad requests and opportunities shows drop-off.

  • For pre-fetched ad breaks, opportunities are counted once the user makes it to the break, even if it's empty.

    For inline VMAP, ad requests require the breakStart tracking event to be fired to count opportunities. Inline VMAP surfaces breakStart events on empty ad breaks only if optimized pods are used for the break.

    Non-inline VMAP opportunities are counted based on the first ad being reached.

  • For live ad breaks, VMAP requests count opportunities based on the first ad being reached.

Example of a video true opportunities report

Position of pod Total
responses served
Total unmatched ad
True opportunities Capped
Total impressions
Pre‑roll 946 929 17 704 704 664
Mid‑roll 1 3,581 3,465 116 3,472 2,976 2,620
Mid‑roll 2 3,510 3,390 120 3,262 2,796 2,486
Mid‑roll 3 3,300 3,077 223 2,996 2,568 2,313
Mid‑roll 4 3,369 3,154 215 2,996 2,568 2,305
Mid‑roll 5 3,221 2,991 230 2,877 2,466 2,235

Positions shown in the report are from the same example series.

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