Manage Inventory

Enable Manage Inventory

Only available in Google Ad Manager 360.

Parent publishers

To use Multiple Customer Management's (MCM) Manage Inventory delegation type, administrators for the parent publisher networks must enable the appropriate permissions for at least one user role in their respective networks (administrators already have this permission enabled).

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Admin and then Access & authorization.
  3. Click the Roles tab.
  4. Select an existing user role or create a new one.
  5. To let users send and withdraw invites and view the MCM dashboard, under "Manage People," check the box for Manage child publishers.
  6. Under "Trafficking and delivery", check View Sites and Edit Sites.
  7. Click Save.

Child publishers

Child publishers have to accept an invitation from parent publishers.

If you already have an Ad Manager or AdSense account, make sure your parent sends the invitation to a user email address in your existing account. Alternatively, before you accept the invitation, add the email address where you received the invitation to your existing Ad Manager or AdSense account. 

After receiving an invitation from a parent publisher, child publishers must:

  1. Accept the invitation.
    Note: To accept the invitation, child publishers with an existing account must have one of the following permissions:
    • A child publisher with an existing Ad Manager account must have the Edit users, roles, and teams permission under the “Manage People” section.
    • A child publisher without an Ad Manager account but with an AdSense account must be an Admin in the AdSense account. If the child publisher receives the MCM invitation in an email address different from their existing AdSense account email address, we recommend adding the new email address as an Admin user to the AdSense account.
  2. Sign up for an Ad Manager account if they don’t already have an Ad Manager account.
Important: Child publishers should not have multiple Ad Manager or AdSense accounts. More than one Ad Manager or AdSense account will result in duplicate account errors. 


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