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Target video content metadata

This is the new version of content ingestion and metadata management for Video Solutions.
With this version, you can target and filter based on your metadata after ingestion, without having to manually map and activate the data. Line items targeting one or more CMS metadata sources take up to 24 hours to start delivering impressions.

You can view the migration guide, or contact your account manager for information.

You can target video content based on ingested metadata immediately after ingestion. This type of targeting is available for line items, ad rules, and protections.

Target video line items based on CMS metadata

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Either create a video line item, or click Delivery and select an existing video line item to edit.
  3. With the line item open, click Settings.
  4. From the "Add targeting" section, click Custom targeting
  5. Click Select...
  6. Choose which CMS metadata to target. You can either:

    1. Click CMS metadata and then search and select metadata key-values. When you use this option, the search results display as [key]:[value].
    2. Click  to expand CMS metadata, choose a key, and then search and select values.
  7. Click Save.

Metadata targeting for ad rules and protections is performed using the "CMS metadata" dimension in the targeting picker.

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