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View and customize ingested video content

This is the new version of content ingestion and metadata management for Video Solutions.
With this version, you can target and filter based on your metadata after ingestion, without having to manually map and activate the data. Line items targeting one or more CMS metadata sources take up to 24 hours to start delivering impressions.

You can view the migration guide, or contact your account manager for information.

View your ingested video content

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Video and then Content.
  3. All of your ingested video content is displayed on this page.

    By default, 20 videos are shown, filtered by an "Active" serving status. You can remove or add filters to only view certain content, and configure the page to display up to 100 videos.

  4. Click any video to view video content details, and optionally customize bundles and metadata.

    Any changes to content take effect within a few hours after saving. Some parts of Ad Manager may not reflect your changes until they're active.

The content list page allows you to quickly include content in a content bundle.

Video content list page

The video content list page in the Ad Manager user interface.

 From this screen, you can:

  • (1) Filter content to display only things like a particular source, serving status, date range, or metadata
  • (2) View and sort by video titles, serving status, name of the video content source, date the video was imported, or the date and time the video was published.

Video content details page

The Ad Manager interface showing video content details with steps.

 From this screen, you can:

  • (1) View and update the current serving status of the video
  • (2) View the settings ingested from the source (your content management system), including metadata
  • (3) View and edit customized settings for this content, including bundles and metadata


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