Overview of the Policy center

Note: We recently redesigned the Policy center. Learn more about what changed.

The Policy center is a tool that helps you adhere to our Program policies. Use the Policy center to discover, understand, and resolve issues that affect ad serving on your sites and apps.

To access the Policy center: Sign in to your Ad Manager account, and click Admin and then Policy center.

Use the Policy center to view:

  • Which of your sites and apps have issues that affect ad serving. This includes cases when the ad requests are coming from your pages that you've embedded into the sites with issues.
  • Information about the issues, including issue descriptions
  • How to request a review of your site or app after you've addressed the issues
Policy Center Overview

Using the Policy center

The Policy center helps you monitor any policy issues your site or app may have as well as the overall health of your account. If we detect that any of your sites or apps have policy or other issues, you’ll be notified in the Policy center and via email.

Once you access the Policy center, you’ll find a list of your sites and apps affected by issues. Issues are automatically sorted by the number of ad requests they affect. You can also sort by site or app name, status, type of issue, or date reported. To sort by any of these categories, click the category name.

Click Download CSV and choose Download all items or Download filtered view to create a CSV file that contains the details of your sites and apps with issues.

Example of using the Ad Mob policy center to monitor policy issues.

At the top of the main Policy center page, you can see an overall account health summary. The summary shows how many sites and apps are affected by issues, how many issues are Must fix, and what percentage of your ad requests are restricted or disabled. You can filter for these categories by clicking on them.

You can also see what percentage of account traffic is serving without restrictions. Note that clicking on this number won’t create a filter because filters are only available for sites and apps with issues.

To learn more about the issues on the list, click Fix in the "Action" column. This will take you to the Issue details page where you’ll see a description of the issue and instructions on how to resolve it.

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