





  1. 登入 Google Ad Manager。
  2. 依序按一下 [銷售] 下一步 [提案] 下一步 [所有提案] 或 [我的提案]。
  3. 找出包含您想修改的提案委刊項的提案,然後按一下該提案的名稱。
  4. 在表格中,選取您要修改的提案委刊項旁邊的核取方塊。
  5. 按一下表格上方的 [編輯]
  6. 進行必要的更新,然後按一下 [儲存]


  • 「附加」選項會將您在大量編輯器中選取的指定目標加入現有指定目標中。
  • 「覆寫」選項會移除現有指定目標,換成您在大量編輯器中選取的指定目標。

使用「附加」選項時,Ad Manager 會檢查提案委刊項,確保您在大量編輯器中選取的指定目標與現有指定目標沒有衝突。如果有衝突,Ad Manager 會列出提案委刊項,並通知您發生了衝突。進一步瞭解 Ad Manager 無法套用指定目標的常見原因

When you apply bulk edits, all changes are immediately saved. You can't "undo" changes—that is, go back to the last saved or previously saved values. To restore previous values after applying, you'll need to go back and edit each proposal line item manually.

Common reasons why Ad Manager 360 is unable to apply targeting

Ad Manager 360 may not always be able to apply targeting to a selected proposal line item. 

If Ad Manager 360 is unable to apply some of the targeting for a given proposal line item, Ad Manager 360 skips applying any of the targeting for that proposal line item.  

Foregoing the targeting in cases like this ensures that you don't apply some intended targeting from the bulk editor while forgetting to apply other intended targeting. When Ad Manager 360 skips targeting, it indicates which proposal line items were skipped and why. You can then go to those proposal line items and ensure that all intended targeting is applied.

As a general rule, select proposal line items that are of the same or similar line item types. 

Below are some common reasons Ad Manager 360 is unable to apply targeting. For each of these reasons, Ad Manager 360 provides an alert in the user interface along with the list of the affected proposal line items.

  • 下列提案委刊項不支援影片指定條件

    部分提案委刊項不支援影片指定條件。舉例來說,如果「包量」提案委刊項的廣告空間大小未設為 [VAST 影片],Ad Manager 就無法將影片指定條件套用到該提案委刊項。

  • 串場廣告影片位置只能套用到串場廣告提案委刊項

    「影片位置」指定條件有兩個類別。如果您嘗試將「串場廣告」影片位置套用到非串場廣告影片提案委刊項,Ad Manager 就會提醒您,並且列出提案委刊項。詳情請參閱在大量編輯器中指定影片

  • 新增的指定條件與下列提案委刊項中現有的指定條件衝突

    如果您附加指定條件,Ad Manager 會檢查提案委刊項,以瞭解現有指定條件與加到大量編輯器的指定條件之間的衝突。如果沒有衝突,Ad Manager 會合併指定條件。不過,如果發生衝突,Ad Manager 會列出提案委刊項和衝突的指定條件。

    「衝突」指的是指定條件中直接牴觸的設定。舉例來說,如果現有指定條件是「美國」,但您又試圖排除「美國」,Ad Manager 就不會套用指定條件,並且會列出提案委刊項。

Video targeting in the bulk editor

There are two targeting types to consider when bulk editing video: "Video positions" and "Video content".

Video positions

There are two categories of "Video position" targeting:

Proposal line items whose inventory size is set to "Video VAST" can be targeted only to the "Mid-roll positions". If the proposal line item type is also set to "Bumper", it can be targeted only to "Bumper positions". These categories are mutually exclusive: proposal line items can't be targeted to both kinds of positions at once.

The bulk editor allows you to select a combination of proposal line items that use the two categories. However, if you do select said combination, Ad Manager only shows mid-roll positions in the targeting picker. This means if you try to apply mid-roll positions to proposal line items that use bumper positions, Ad Manager won't apply targeting to the bumper video proposal line item.

As a general rule, to bulk edit positions for bumper video proposal line items, do not also select mid-roll video proposal line items.

Video content

If you bulk edit "Video content" targeting, you can only overwrite existing targeting and not append. If you elected to append and have chosen to modify video content targeting, Ad Manager alerts you to select the "Overwrite" option instead in order to apply targeting or to remove video content targeting.

Targeting presets in the bulk editor

If you add targeting manually to bulk editor and then subsequently select a targeting preset in the bulk editor, when the preset loads, its targeting overrides the targeting you manually added.

For example, suppose that the existing targeting in your proposal line item targets two geographic locations:

  • United States
  • United Kingdom

You select the proposal line item and open the bulk targeting editor. You manually add the following in the bulk editor:

  • France

You then find a preset and select it in the bulk editor. This preset's only geographic targeting is "Spain". When the preset loads in the bulk editor, it'll overrides "France".

If you select "Append" from the bulk editor and apply this targeting, the resulting targeting in the proposal line item would be:

  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • Spain

If you select "Overwrite" from the bulk editor, and geographic targeting is customizable, when you apply this targeting, the resulting targeting in the proposal line item would be:

  • Spain



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