Get started with Programmatic Direct

Negotiate both guaranteed, reserved inventory and non-guaranteed, unreserved inventory in one feature. #programmatic #preferreddeals

Programmatic Direct automates the negotiation and sales of your direct-sold inventory. Programmatic Direct allows you to negotiate both Programmatic Guaranteed (guaranteed, reserved inventory) and Preferred Deal (non-guaranteed, unreserved inventory) campaigns in Ad Manager. Learn more

You can negotiate terms of campaigns and finalize details with a buyer right within Ad Manager. Buyers can then accept terms or suggest changes during negotiation. Once both parties have agreed terms, Ad Manager automatically sets up a campaign for delivery. Programmatic Direct also reduces overhead of creative management as buyers host and manage creatives in their system. All impression tracking, billing, and payments are also handled by Ad Manager, which avoids possible discrepancies and lowers overhead in managing reconciliation.

As the entire process occurs in a single system, Programmatic Direct simplifies sales and reduces the potential for human error. 

Set up Programmatic Direct

To set up Programmatic Direct, an Ad Manager administrator needs to:

Once enabled and configured, Programmatic Direct contains features that allows sales people to:

  • Start negotiation and finalize campaign details with buyers
  • Secure buyer agreement and push campaigns to delivery
  • Renegotiate details of previously negotiated campaigns

Learn more about supported creatives formats and features in Features and guidelines for Programmatic Direct.

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