Refresh rate for ads in mobile apps

Maximize ad revenue for users on a single screen

The refresh rate determines how often a new ad impression is generated on a mobile app. You can choose to refresh ads every 30 to 120 seconds, or not to refresh ads. The refresh rate setting is only for mobile app inventory.

Learn how to declare inventory that refreshes.

We suggest that ads persist for 60 seconds or longer, depending on the functionality of your mobile app. Internal tests have shown that this duration gives users enough time to engage with ads, and provides optimal performance for both advertisers and publishers.

Set the refresh rate in ad unit settings

The default value is No refresh. If you select Refresh rate in seconds, Ad Manager auto-populates a value of 60, which you can change to any value between 30 and 120 seconds.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Inventory, then Ad units.
  3. Click an ad unit's name to open its settings.
  4. Select Refresh rate (30-120 seconds) and change the value.
  5. Click Save.

Keep in mind

  • For ad units eligible for dynamic allocation, ads can have a refresh rate, as long as it's declared in Ad Exchange. Not declaring a refresh rate constitutes a policy violation. Ad units can also be set to No refresh.
  • If you set a refresh rate for a parent ad unit, that setting doesn't propagate to the child ad units under the parent. Set a refresh rate for each child ad unit individually.
  • This feature refreshes ads from every demand source. Make sure that the refresh rate you choose complies with the policies for any indirect sources of demand that you're trafficking.

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