Ad Manager report metrics

Below are all the metrics available in Ad Manager reports, along with information about applicable report types Reports and metric categories Label. Metric categories group related dimensions. For example, the dimensions "City", or "Country" belong to the metric category "Geography".

Filter the table with one or more keywords to search for metrics.

How do I add metrics to my report?
Learn how to create a report to see how your inventory is performing.
MetricReport type and metric category
Active View eligible impressions
Total number of impressions that were eligible to measure viewability. An impression is eligible if (a) the ad's creative has an Active View enabled tag, and (b) the impression is counted with a downloaded pingback.
Reports  Historical
Label  Total, Ad server, AdSense, Ad Exchange

Accredited by the Media Rating Council Ad server Active View eligible impressions: Accredited by the MRC for Display, Video, and Rich Media creatives within Desktop, Mobile Web, and Mobile application environments. Metric totals are net of compliant General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) filtration, as well as some Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT) filtering techniques. Learn more about MRC accreditation.
Active View measurable impressions
Impressions that were measurable by Active View out of the total number of eligible impressions. This value should generally be close to 100%; however, even when an ad tag has Active View enabled, some factors may prevent the tag from capturing data. For example, an impression that is rendering in a cross-domain iframe may not be measurable.
Reports  Historical
Label  Total, Ad server, AdSense, Ad Exchange

Accredited by the Media Rating Council Ad server Active View measurable impressions: Accredited by the MRC for Display, Video, and Rich Media creatives within Desktop, Mobile Web, and Mobile application environments. Metric totals are net of compliant General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) filtration, as well as some Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT) filtering techniques. Learn more about MRC accreditation.
Active View viewable impressions
Number of impressions on the site that were viewable out of all measurable impressions. A display ad is counted as viewable if at least 50% of its area was displayed on screen for at least one second (the minimum criteria according to IAB measurement standards). For in-stream video ads, 50% of its area must be displayed for at least two seconds.
Reports  Historical
Label  Total, Ad server, AdSense, Ad Exchange

Accredited by the Media Rating Council Ad server Active View viewable impressions: Accredited by the MRC for Display, Video, and Rich Media creatives within Desktop, Mobile Web, and Mobile application environments. Metric totals are net of compliant General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) filtration, as well as some Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT) filtering techniques. Learn more about MRC accreditation.

Active View % measurable impressions
Percentage of impressions that were measurable with Active View, out of the total number of Active View eligible impressions.

Formula: (measurable impressions ∕ eligible impressions) × 100

An ad is measurable when the Active View enabled tag successfully captured viewability information about the impression. Viewable impression measurement tools experience a small amount of data loss in addition to measurement gaps from some cross-domain iframe scenarios.

Ad Manager's measurability metric focuses on actual measurement gaps, which you can resolve by removing iframes (learn more about troubleshooting viewability). The data loss is randomly distributed across viewable and measurable impressions, and therefore % Measurable is a reliable indicator of measurability for the publisher's inventory.

Reports  Historical
Label  Total, Ad server, AdSense, Ad Exchange

Accredited by the Media Rating Council Ad server Active View % measurable impressions: Accredited by the MRC for Display, Video, and Rich Media creatives within Desktop, Mobile Web, and Mobile application environments. Metric totals are net of compliant General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) filtration, as well as some Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT) filtering techniques. Learn more about MRC accreditation.

Active View % viewable impressions
Percentage of viewable impressions out of all measurable impressions.

Formula: (viewable impressions ∕ measurable impressions) × 100

For example, say the ads on your site had 100 measurable impressions. That means there were 100 impressions where Active View enabled tags were able to measure viewability. If only 10 of those 100 impressions were measured as viewable, then the site would have 10% viewable impressions.

Reports  Historical
Label  Total, Ad server, AdSense, Ad Exchange

Accredited by the Media Rating Council Ad server Active View % viewable impressions: Accredited by the MRC for Display, Video, and Rich Media creatives within Desktop, Mobile Web, and Mobile application environments. Metric totals are net of compliant General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) filtration, as well as some Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT) filtering techniques. Learn more about MRC accreditation.

Active View average viewable time (seconds)
The total viewable time on screen divided by the number of impressions where time on screen could be measured.

For example, if there were 150 impressions but time on screen could be measured for only 100 of them, and those 100 impressions were viewed for a total of 600 seconds, then the Active View average viewable time would be 6 seconds.

This metric works across display, mobile web, and video inventory. 

Reports  Historical
Label  Total, Ad server, AdSense, Ad Exchange
Active View non-viewable impressions
Total number of impressions that were measured, but deemed not viewable.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server

Accredited by the Media Rating Council Ad server Active View non-viewable impressions: Accredited by the MRC for Display, Video, and Rich Media creatives within Desktop, Mobile Web, and Mobile application environments. Metric totals are net of compliant General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) filtration, as well as some Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT) filtering techniques. Learn more about MRC accreditation.
Active View non-measurable impressions
Total number of impressions that were not measured (e.g., impressions where measurement was attempted and failed).
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server

Accredited by the Media Rating Council Ad server Active View non-measurable impressions: Accredited by the MRC for Display, Video, and Rich Media creatives within Desktop, Mobile Web, and Mobile application environments. Metric totals are net of compliant General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) filtration, as well as some Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT) filtering techniques. Learn more about MRC accreditation.
Active View viewable impression distribution
Percent of impressions where measurement was attempted, succeeded, and deemed viewable.

Formula: (# Viewable impressions) ∕ (# Active View Eligible Impressions)
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server

Accredited by the Media Rating Council Ad server Active View viewable impression distribution: Accredited by the MRC for Display, Video, and Rich Media creatives within Desktop, Mobile Web, and Mobile application environments. Metric totals are net of compliant General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) filtration, as well as some Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT) filtering techniques. Learn more about MRC accreditation.
Active View non-viewable impression distribution
Percent of impressions where measurement was attempted, succeeded and deemed non-viewable.

Formula: (# Not viewable Impressions) ∕ (# Active View Eligible Impressions)
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server

Accredited by the Media Rating Council Ad server Active View non-viewable impression distribution: Accredited by the MRC for Display, Video, and Rich Media creatives within Desktop, Mobile Web, and Mobile application environments. Metric totals are net of compliant General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) filtration, as well as some Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT) filtering techniques. Learn more about MRC accreditation.
Active View undetermined impression distribution
Percent of impressions where measurement was attempted, but measurement did not succeed.

Formula: (# Not measurable impressions) ∕ (# Eligible impressions)
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server

Accredited by the Media Rating Council Ad server Active View undetermined impression distribution: Accredited by the MRC for Display, Video, and Rich Media creatives within Desktop, Mobile Web, and Mobile application environments. Metric totals are net of compliant General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) filtration, as well as some Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT) filtering techniques. Learn more about MRC accreditation.

Active View revenue
Revenue generated from Active View impressions. A display ad is counted as viewable if at least 50% of its area was displayed on screen for at least one second (the minimum criteria according to IAB measurement standards). For in-stream video ads, 50% of its area must be displayed for at least two seconds.

Deprecated for AdSense and Ad Exchange.
Reports Historical
 Label Total, Ad server
Total Active View impressions audible and visible at completion
The number of measurable impressions that were played to video completion, and also audible and visible at the time of completion. Audible means the video's audio volume was greater than 0%. Visible means at least 50% of the ad's pixels were on screen.
Reports Historical
Label  Total, Ad server, AdSense, Ad Exchange
Active View % ever audible while backgrounded
The percentage of total impressions from video creatives where the ad player is in the background at any point during playback with volume > 0, from all total impressions measurable for Active View.
Reports  Historical
Label  Active View interaction
Active View % ever backgrounded
The percentage of total impressions from video creatives where the ad player is in the background at any point during playback, from all total measurable impressions for Active View.
Reports  Historical
Label  Active View interaction
Active View % ever audible
The percentage of total impressions from video creatives where volume > 0 at any point, from all total impressions measurable for Active View.
Reports  Historical
Label  Active View interaction
Active View % ever muted
The percentage of total impressions from video creatives where volume = 0 at any point, from all total measurable impressions for Active View.
Reports  Historical
Label  Active View interaction
Active View % audible through completion
The percentage of total impressions from video creatives with audible playback through the entire stream, from all total measurable impressions for Active View.
Reports  Historical
Label  Active View interaction
Active View % audible through third quartile
The percentage of total impressions from video creatives with audible playback from start through at least 75%, from all total Active View measurable impressions.
Reports  Historical
Label  Active View interaction
Active View % audible through midpoint
The percentage of total impressions from video creatives with audible playback through at least 50%, taken from all total measurable impressions for Active View.
Reports  Historical
Label  Active View interaction
Active View % audible through first quartile
The percentage of total impressions from video creatives with audible playback from start through at least 25%, from all total Active View measurable impressions.
Reports  Historical
Label  Active View interaction

Active View % audible at start
The percentage of total impressions from video creatives with audible playback at start, from all total measurable impressions for Active View.

Reports  Historical
Label  Active View interaction
Active View+ measurable impressions
Out of the total number of impressions that were eligible, this represents the total number that were measurable for Active View interaction metrics.
Reports  Historical
Label  Active View interaction

Ad blocking extension rate
Percentage of page views where users had ad blocker extensions installed. Includes only Desktop page views.

Formula: (Extension ad blocker page views) / (Page views)

Note: Since mid-February 2024, we've removed page views that occurred on mobile and tablet devices from this metric. The change was applied retroactively to historical data.

Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  Ad blocking recovery messages
Ad blocking recovery messages shown
Number of times an ad blocking recovery message was shown to users.
Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  Ad blocking recovery messages

Allow-ads conversion rate (cookie-based) (Deprecated)  
This metric may not be accurate as it is no longer supported.

The conversion rate (based on browser cookies) of users that saw the ad blocking recovery message and then chose to allow ads.

Users may have seen the ad blocking recovery message prior to or during the report time frame.

Formula: [Allow-ads conversions (cookie-based)] / [Ad blocking recovery messages shown] = [Allow-ads conversion rate (cookie-based)]

Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  Ad blocking recovery messages

Allow-ads conversion users (cookie-based) (Deprecated)  
This metric may not be accurate as it is no longer supported.

Number of users (based on browser cookies) who saw the ad blocking recovery message and then chose to allow ads. Users may have seen the ad revenue recovery message prior to or during the report time frame.

Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  Ad blocking recovery messages

Allow-ads page views
The number of page views generated by users with an ad blocking extension installed who were shown the ad blocking recovery message and later allowed ads.

Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  Ad blocking recovery messages
Ad Exchange impressions
Total impressions delivered by the Ad Exchange.

One matched request can create multiple impressions if multiple text ads serve in place of a single display ad. This is different than the "Ad impressions" metric in the Ad Exchange historical report type, which counts one impression for a group of text ads.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange clicks
Total clicks delivered by the Ad Exchange.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange

Ad Exchange CTR
The percentage of impressions served by the Ad Exchange that resulted in users clicking on an ad. The clickthrough rate (CTR) is updated nightly. 

Formula: (Ad Exchange clicks ∕ Ad Exchange impressions) × 100

Note: The "Ad Exchange CTR" metric in Historical reports and the "CTR" metric in Ad Exchange historical reports are calculated differently, and they can't be compared.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange revenue
Revenue generated from the Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation, calculated in your network's currency and time zone.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange average eCPM
The average effective cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the ads delivered by Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange clicks (%)
Ratio of clicks delivered by Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total clicks delivered.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange impressions (%)
Ratio of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total impressions delivered.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange revenue (%)
Ratio of revenue generated by Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total revenue.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange targeted impressions (Deprecated)  
Total number of ad requests received for a single targeted key-value pair. For more information, see Report on key-values.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange

Ad Exchange targeted clicks (Deprecated)  
Total number of clicks received for a single targeted key-value pair. For more information, see Report on key-values.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange responses served
Ad requests that were filled by Ad Exchange ads.
Reports  Historical

Programmatic eligible ad requests

The total number of ad requests eligible for Open Auction and Private Auction programmatic channels and excludes Programmatic Guaranteed, and Preferred Deals. This metric allows for a breakdown of ad requests across Ad Exchange and Open Bidding demand channels.

For optimized pods, this metric will count a single opportunity when the pod doesn't fill with programmatic demand. When it does fill, it will count each matched query.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange

Programmatic match rate

The number of programmatic responses served divided by the number of requests eligible for programmatic. Includes Ad Exchange, Open Bidding, and Preferred Deals.

Formula: Programmatic responses served ∕ Programmatic eligible ad requests

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange

Programmatic responses served

Total number of ad responses served from programmatic demand sources. Includes Ad Exchange, Open Bidding, and Preferred Deals.

Differs from Ad Exchange responses served, which doesn't include Open Bidding matched ad requests.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange ad requests
The number of ad units that requested ads (for content ads) or search queries (for search ads). In other words, the number of times Ad Exchange receives a request to show an ad. An ad request is reported each time a request was sent, even if no ads were returned and backup ads were displayed instead. 

With regard to video, ad impressions are often less than ad requests because video ads are technically more challenging to serve as fast as image ads. As a result, some video ads won't render properly. Use video-specific metrics to better assess video inventory performance. 

All requests sent to Ad Exchange in Mediation for mobile apps are considered in Ad Exchange metrics, instead of only requests filled by Ad Exchange. An increase in ad request totals might result in lower coverage rates.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange match rate
Measures the percentage of ads returned compared to the number of ads requested.

Formula: (Ad Exchange responses served ∕ Ad Exchange ad requests)

When Ad Exchange match rate is always 100%
“Ad Exchange match rate” will show 100% for report metrics that imply an ad served, such as “Creative size (delivered)” or “Advertiser (classified),” along with any metrics under them (“child” metrics). Unified pricing rules will also show 100% Ad Exchange match rate.
Why? Let’s look at “Advertiser (classified)” as an example. It’s based on what’s delivered instead of what’s requested. By definition, if you include “Advertiser (classified),” you’re only showing impressions that had coverage. An unfilled impression can’t have an advertiser, and likewise an advertiser can’t be associated with an unfilled impression. Therefore, rows for “Advertiser (classified)” will always show “Ad Exchange match rate” of 100%, as will any child metrics of “Advertiser (classified).” Ad Exchange adds one row for all the “(Unmatched ad requests)”, and this row has “Ad Exchange match rate” of 0%.
What should I do? In these cases, “Ad Exchange ad requests” and “Ad Exchange average eCPM” should be disregarded, as they may be misleading. Publishers should look at the “Ad Exchange delivery rate” metric instead. All requests sent to Ad Exchange in Mediation for mobile apps are considered in Ad Exchange metrics, instead of only requests filled by Ad Exchange. An increase in ad request totals might result in lower Ad Exchange match rate.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange CPC (cost per click)
The amount you earn each time a user clicks on your ad.

Formula: CPC = Estimated revenue ∕ Clicks

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange ad request CTR
The number of ad clicks divided by the number of ad requests. 

Formula: Ad request CTR (clickthrough rate) = Clicks ∕ Ad requests

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange ad request eCPM
Revenue per thousand ad requests.

Formula: Ad Exchange ad request eCPM = Estimated revenue ∕ Number of ad requests × 1000

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange matched request CTR

The clickthrough rate (CTR) is the percentage of impressions that led to a click.

Formula: CTR = Clicks ∕ Matched requests

Note: The "Ad Exchange CTR" metric in Historical reports and the "CTR" metric in Ad Exchange historical reports are calculated differently, and they can't be compared.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange matched request eCPM
Revenue per one thousand Matched requests. Learn more about eCPM.

Formula: Matched eCPM = Estimated revenue ∕ Matched requests × 1000

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange lift
The increase in revenue gained for won impressions over the applicable minimum CPM or the best price specified during dynamic allocation.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange opportunities from impressions
The number of Ad Exchange impressions discounting video fallback impressions.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange delivery rate   
Calculates true fill rate for ads by measuring ads served versus ad requests.

Formula: Ad Exchange delivery rate = Ad impressions ∕ ad requests

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange opportunities from errors
The number of Ad Exchange VAST errors discounting errors generated from video fallback ads.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad Exchange

Ad server impressions
Impressions counted after the ad is downloaded in the user's device. This doesn't require that the ad content be fully loaded. This total excludes impressions from Ad Exchange and AdSense. It usually takes about 30 minutes for new impressions to be recorded and added to the total displayed here.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server

Ad server downloaded impressions (Discontinued)
An impression that is counted after the ad has started to load on the publisher site. This doesn't require that the ad content be fully loaded.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server

Ad server targeted impressions
Total number of ad requests received for a single targeted key-value pair. Reports created with non-targeting keys will include data for all key-values present on the matching request.

For more information, see Report on key-values.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Ad server clicks
Total clicks served by the Google Ad Manager server. It usually takes about 30 minutes for new clicks to be recorded and added to the total displayed in reporting.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Ad server targeted clicks
Total number of clicks received for a single targeted key-value pair. For more information, see Report on key-values.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server

Ad server average eCPM
Average effective cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the ads delivered by the Google Ad Manager server.

Formula: [(Ad server CPM + CPC + CPD + vCPM revenue)/Ad server impressions] x 1000

If the 'Ad server CPD revenue' metric is disabled under the "Ad server" metrics family, the CPD value is excluded from the average eCPM computation. For example, using the Key-values dimension makes the 'Ad server CPD revenue' unavailable, therefore eliminating the CPD value from your report.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server

Ad server CTR
Percentage of impressions served by the Google Ad Manager server that resulted in users clicking on an ad. The clickthrough rate (CTR) is updated nightly.

Formula: Ad server CTR = (Ad server clicks / Ad server impressions) x 100

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Ad server CPM and CPC revenue
CPM and CPC revenue earned, calculated in your network's currency, for the ads delivered by the Google Ad Manager server. Sum of all booked revenue.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Ad server CPD revenue
CPD revenue earned, calculated in your network's currency, for the ads delivered by the Google Ad Managerserver.

Secondary currencies are now supported for reports that include cost-per-day (CPD) revenue metrics. This change is retroactive, so you may see different results when comparing data from reports run before July 24, 2018.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Ad server CPM, CPC, CPD, and vCPM revenue
CPM, CPC, CPD, and vCPM revenue earned, calculated in your network's currency, for the ads delivered by the Google Ad Manager server.

Secondary currencies are now supported for reports that include cost-per-day (CPD) revenue metrics. This change is retroactive, so you may see different results when comparing data from reports run before July 24, 2018.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Ad server impressions (%)
Ratio of impressions delivered by the Google Ad Manager server in relation to the total impressions delivered.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Ad server clicks (%)
Ratio of clicks delivered by the Google Ad Manager server in relation to the total clicks delivered. 
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Ad server revenue (%)
Ratio of revenue generated by the Google Ad Manager server in relation to the total revenue.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Ad server code served count (Deprecated)  
Number of times the ad server responded to a request for an ad. A code serve is not counted if the ad server response is empty.
  • For video requests and out-of-page requests (delayed impressions):

    Formula: Code served count >= Impressions
  • For traditional display requests:

    Code served count ~ Impressions

For delayed-impression requests, the code served count value is generally more than the impressions value because code served count reflects Ad Manager responses regardless of whether a creative was actually rendered. For traditional display requests, pre-rendering creatives can also cause a discrepancy between code served count and impressions.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
User list cost
Cost of the Ad Manager Audience user list.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Ad server unfiltered begin to render impressions
Raw begin to render impression count before any invalid traffic filtration, including when multiple impression pings are attempted for a single creative. To analyze the amount of invalid traffic on a network, compare this metric with Ad server begin to render impressions.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Accredited by the Media Rating Council Accredited by the MRC for Display, Video, and Rich Media creatives within Connected TV (CTV), Desktop, Mobile Web, and Mobile application environments. Metric totals are net of compliant General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) filtration, as well as some Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT) filtering techniques. Learn more about MRC accreditation.
Ad server unfiltered downloaded impressions
Raw impression count before any invalid traffic filtration, including when multiple impression pings are attempted for a single creative. To analyze the amount of invalid traffic on a network, compare this metric with Ad server impressions.
  • This metric value might be greater than code served count if multiple impression pings are triggered for a single creative.
  • Only available aggregated by the following dimensions: Country, Date, Day of week, Week, Month and year, Order, Line Item, and Ad unit.
Only available in Google Ad Manager 360.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Ad server unfiltered clicks
Raw click count before any invalid traffic filtration, including when multiple click pings are attempted for a single creative. To analyze the amount of invalid traffic on a network, compare this metric with Ad server clicks.
  • This metric value might be greater than code served count if multiple impression pings are triggered for a single creative.
  • Only available aggregated by the following dimensions: Country, Date, Day of week, Week, Month and year, Order, Line Item, and Ad unit.
Only available in Google Ad Manager 360.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server

Ad server unfiltered tracked ads
Raw tracked ads impression count after the ad is downloaded in the user's device but before any invalid traffic filtration, including when multiple impression pings are attempted for a single creative. To analyze the amount of invalid traffic on a network, compare this metric with Ad server tracked ads.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server

Ad server begin to render impressions
The total number of "begin to render" impressions counted when creative begins to render or the first frame of a video is shown. It combines three impression measures into one, that is, Web Display, Video and App Display. This total excludes impressions from Ad Exchange and AdSense. It usually takes about 30 minutes for new impressions to be recorded and added to the total displayed here.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Accredited by the Media Rating Council Accredited by the MRC for Display, Video, and Rich Media creatives within Connected TV (CTV), Desktop, Mobile Web, and Mobile application environments. Metric totals are net of compliant General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) filtration, as well as some Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT) filtering techniques. Learn more about MRC accreditation.

Ad server tracked ads
Impressions counted after the ad is downloaded in the user's device. This doesn't require that the ad content be fully loaded. This total excludes impressions from Ad Exchange and AdSense. It usually takes about 30 minutes for new impressions to be recorded and added to the total displayed here.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Ad server responses served
Ad requests that were filled by Ad Manager ads.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server

Ad server provisional impressions (Deprecated)  
The total number of impressions. Accounts for upcoming changes to mobile app impression counting methodology.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Ad server inactive begin to render impressions

Impressions (via begin to render methodology) delivered by the Google Ad Manager server considered inactive, as defined by served to a device receiving ad or bid requests continuously for a session of greater than 16 hours without a "reset" event.

Sessions are reset daily at 5:00 AM, local time, and when the device goes longer than 30 minutes without a request. They are also reset by any VAST interaction ping (for example, pause, mute, unmute, volume changes).

This metric applies only to CTV ads.

The inactive impression is excluded from all existing impression metrics except the following: Ad server unfiltered downloaded impressions, Ad server unfiltered tracked ads, and Ad server unfiltered begin to render impressions.

Accredited by the Media Rating Council  Accredited by the MRC for Video creatives within Connected TV (CTV) environments. Learn more about MRC accreditation.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Accredited by the Media Rating Council  Accredited by the MRC for Video creatives within Connected TV (CTV) environments. Learn more about MRC accreditation.
Ad server opportunities from impressions
The number of ad server impressions discounting video fallback impressions.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Ad server opportunities from errors
The number of ad server VAST errors discounting errors generated from video fallback ads.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server
Ad server CPF revenue (Deprecated)
Cost per flight (CPF) revenue earned for the ads delivered by the Google Ad Manager server. Calculated in your network's currency.
Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server

Ad server impressions (co-viewed) (Beta)
Co-viewing refers to the act of multiple people watching ads on a connected TV (CTV) device together. When multiple people view together, this could lead to more impressions and reach for your video ad.

Co-viewed impressions can be >1 for set-top box and connected TV. For other traffic, the co-viewed count is 1, which aligns with regular impressions.

Reports  Historical
Label  Ad server

Non-viewable impression reasons
Learn why your non-viewable impressions didn't become viewable.

Reports  Ad speed
Label  Non-viewable impression reasons

Tagging speed
View ad speed by elapsed time for different periods, including "Page navigation to tag loaded time," "Page navigation to first ad request time," and "Tag loaded to first ad request time." Measured in seconds.

Reports  Ad speed
Label  Tagging speed

Creative load time
Refers to the elapsed time from the moment the ad creative began to load until it completed loading (as determined by the ad’s onLoad event). Measured in seconds.

Note: Some impressions may not have ad speed or latency data associated with them.

Reports  Ad speed
Label  Creative load time

Page navigation to tag loaded time
The elapsed time from the moment the page began to load until the ad tagging library finished loading. Measured in seconds.

You can directly influence this metric by loading tags sooner to reduce user-visible latency. 

Reports  Ad speed
Label  Tagging speed

Tag loaded to first ad request time
The elapsed time from the moment the ad tagging library finished loading until the initial ad request was sent. Measured in seconds.

You can directly influence this metric by making ad requests sooner to reduce user-visible latency.

Reports  Ad speed
Label  Tagging speed
Page navigation to first ad request time
The percentages of elapsed time ranges from when the user navigated to the page to the first ad request.
Reports  Ad speed
Label  Tagging speed
Slot never entered viewport
The percentage of impressions that were non-viewable because the ad slot never entered the viewport.
Reports  Ad speed
Label  Non-viewable impression reasons
User scrolled/navigated before
The percentage of impressions that were non-viewable because either the user either scrolled before the ad filled, scrolled/navigated before the ad loaded, or scrolled/navigated before 1 second. Each of these reasons is broken down into its own metric.
Reports  Ad speed
Label  Non-viewable impression reasons
Other non-viewable impression reasons

The percentage of impressions that were non-viewable for reasons other than:

  • Slot never entered the viewport
  • User scrolled before the ad filled
  • User scrolled/navigated before the ad loaded
  • User scrolled/navigated before 1 second
Reports  Ad speed
Label  Non-viewable impression reasons
AdSense impressions
Total impressions delivered by AdSense.
Reports  Historical
Label  AdSense
AdSense clicks
Total clicks delivered by AdSense.
Reports  Historical
Label  AdSense
AdSense targeted impressions (Deprecated)  
Total number of ad requests received for a single targeted key-value pair. For more information, see Report on key-values.
Reports  Historical
Label  AdSense
AdSense targeted clicks (Deprecated)  
Total number of clicks received for a single targeted key-value pair. For more information, see Report on key-values.
Reports  Historical
Label  AdSense

AdSense CTR
The percentage of impressions served by AdSense that resulted in users clicking on an ad. The clickthrough rate (CTR) is updated nightly.

Formula: (AdSense clicks ∕ AdSense impressions) × 100

Reports  Historical
Label  AdSense
AdSense revenue
Revenue generated from AdSense through line item dynamic allocation, calculated in your network's currency and time zone.
Reports  Historical
Label  AdSense
AdSense average eCPM
The average effective cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the ads delivered by AdSense through line item dynamic allocation.
Reports  Historical
Label  AdSense
AdSense impressions (%)
Ratio of impressions delivered by AdSense through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total impressions delivered.
Reports  Historical
Label  AdSense
AdSense clicks (%)
Ratio of clicks delivered by AdSense through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total clicks delivered.
Reports  Historical
Label  AdSense
AdSense revenue (%)
Ratio of revenue generated by AdSense through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total revenue.
Reports  Historical
Label  AdSense
AdSense responses served
Ad requests that were filled by AdSense ads.
Reports  Historical
Label  AdSense
Average revenue per active user (ARPU) is the total revenue generated on average from each active user.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics revenue
Average revenue per paying user (ARPPU) is the total purchase revenue per active user who made a purchase. The summary metric is for the time period selected.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics revenue
eCommerce revenue
Revenue from eCommerce transactions.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Total Analytics revenue
In-app purchase revenue
Revenue from in-app purchases.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Total Analytics revenue
Transaction revenue
The total revenue from all transactions.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Total Analytics revenue

Estimated cost per thousand impressions.

Formula: (Revenue metric ∕ impressions) × 1000

Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics revenue

Revenue generated from your Ad Manager account.

Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics revenue
Ad exposure duration
The amount of time an ad was visible to users. 

Formula: Ad exposure time ∕ user engagement duration

Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics sessions
Ad unit exposure duration
The amount of time an ad unit was visible to users.

Formula: Ad unit exposure time ∕ user engagement duration

Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics sessions

Average engagement time per session
User engagement duration ∕ engaged sessions

Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics sessions
Average session duration
The average length of user sessions in seconds.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics sessions

Engaged sessions
Sessions that last 10 seconds or longer, have one or more conversion events, or have two or more views.

Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics sessions
The number of sessions that began on your website or application.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics sessions

1-day active users
Total number of active users in your app. For more details, view the entry at Analytics Data API.

Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics users

7-day active users
The number of customers who complete 1 or more purchases in the last 7 days.

Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics users
30-day active users

The number of unique users of your site or app within a 30-day period.

Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics users

Average engagement time per user
The sum of user engagement durations divided by the number of active users. This metric shows the average engagement time per user. Google Analytics also shows the average engagement time per session, which is the sum of user engagement durations divided by the number of sessions.

Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics users
Engaged sessions per user
Engaged sessions ∕ 1-day active users
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics users
The total number of repeat users. 

Formula: 1-day active users ∕ Total users

Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics users
User engagement duration
The total user engagement duration for the current period.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics users
Views per user
The average number of mobile app screens or web pages viewed per user.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics users
The number of bids associated with the selected dimensions.
Reports  Historical
Label  Bids (Beta) 
Average bid CPM
The average CPM associated with these bids.
Reports  Historical
Label  Bids (Beta) 

Deals bid requests (Beta) 
Number of ad requests sent for each deal. MUST be broken down by Deal Id or Deal Name. Multi-attribution metric (cannot be aggregated over Deals) since a single given ad request can be attributed to more than one deal. Not tracked for Programmatic Guaranteed deals and Open Auction package deals (will show as zero for those deals).

Reports  Historical
Label  Bids (Beta) 

Deals bids (Beta) 
Number of bids for each deal. Not tracked for Programmatic Guaranteed deals (will show as zero for those deals).

Reports  Historical
Label  Bids (Beta) 

Deals bid rate (Beta) 
Bid rate for each deal. MUST be broken down by Deal Id or Deal Name. Not tracked for Programmatic Guaranteed deals (will show as N/A for those deals).

Formula: Bid rate (Bids / Bid requests)

Reports  Historical
Label  Bids (Beta) 

Deals win rate (Beta) 
Win rate for each deal. Not tracked for Programmatic Guaranteed deals (will show as N/A for those deals).

Formula: Win rate (Winning bids / Bids)

Reports  Historical
Label  Bids (Beta) 
Deals winning bids (Beta) 
Number of bids that win for each deal. For in-stream video, includes ads returned within fallback chains. Not tracked for Programmatic Guaranteed deals (shows as zero for those deals).
Reports  Historical
Label  Bids (Beta) 

View-through conversions (Deprecated)  
Number of actions, such as visiting the advertiser's webpage or completing a purchase, taken by a user who's viewed an ad.

Reports only historical data after its deprecation on February 22, 2024.

For a view-through conversion to be counted, all of the following conditions must be met:

  • There is no user click within the lookback window for clicks.
  • The user has a DoubleClick cookie.
  • There is a user impression within the lookback window for impressions.
Reports  Historical
Label  Conversions

Conversions per thousand impressions (Deprecated)  

Formula: (View-through conversions ∕ Impressions) × 1000

Reports only historical data after its deprecation on February 22, 2024.

Reports  Historical
Label  Conversions
Click-through conversions (Deprecated)  
Number of actions, such as visiting the advertiser's webpage or completing a purchase, taken by a user who's clicked on an ad.

Reports only historical data after its deprecation on February 22, 2024.

Clicks are considered to be a stronger indication of viewer interest than impressions. Ad Manager first checks whether a click-through conversion can be counted. If it can, no view-through conversion is counted for this activity call. For a click-through conversion to be counted, the user click must be within the lookback window for clicks.

Reports  Historical
Label  Conversions

Conversions per click (Deprecated)  
Number of click-through conversions divided by the number of clicks.

Reports only historical data after its deprecation on February 22, 2024.

Reports  Historical
Label  Conversions

Advertiser view-through sales (Deprecated)  
Amount of sales revenue generated for the advertiser because a user performed an action, such as completing a purchase, after viewing an ad.

Reports only historical data after its deprecation on February 22, 2024.

Reports  Historical
Label  Conversions

Advertiser click-through sales (Deprecated)  
Amount of sales revenue generated for the advertiser because a user performed an action, such as completing a purchase, after clicking on an ad.

Reports only historical data after its deprecation on February 22, 2024.

Reports  Historical
Label  Conversions

Total conversions (Deprecated)  
Total number of actions, such as visiting the advertiser's webpage or completing a purchase, taken by a user who's viewed or clicked on an ad.

Reports only historical data after its deprecation on February 22, 2024.

Reports  Historical
Label  Conversions

Total advertiser sales (Deprecated)  
Amount of sales revenue generated for the advertiser because a user performed an action, such as completing a purchase, after viewing or clicking on an ad.

Reports only historical data after its deprecation on February 22, 2024.

Formula: Total revenue = Advertiser view-through sales + Advertiser click-through sales

Reports  Historical
Label  Conversions
Eligible impressions
Total number of impressions that meet all criteria to be served by an Ad Exchange line item (for more information, see Dynamic allocation).

An eligible ad request trying to serve an impression can make requests to different inventory sources, such as Ad Manager for reservation/remnant ads, and Ad Exchange for dynamic allocation.

An ad request to Ad Exchange may not get filled due to various reasons (such as no buyer bids, filtered bids due to a buyer's pre-targeting, bids under the price floor, or blocking). When dynamic allocation sends the request back to Ad Manager, it may be the case that no reservation/remnant ad is selected by the ad server (for example, if the SI is on or ahead of schedule, or there's a lack of remnant line items targeting a given inventory section); in this case, the ad request goes unfilled.

In this scenario, a single eligible request can generate two or even more unfilled competing impressions.

Reports  Historical
Label  Dynamic allocation opportunity
Impressions competing
Number of Ad Manager impressions that have competed in Ad Exchange and resulted in an impression from Ad Manager or Ad Exchange. This metric excludes Ad Exchange requests that matched in the Ad Exchange auction, but didn't result in impressions.

There might be more eligible impressions than competing impressions for inventory because of how Ad Manager and Ad Exchange compete in dynamic allocation.

Reports  Historical
Label  Dynamic allocation opportunity
Impressions not competing
Total "eligible Ad Exchange impressions" for the network minus "impressions competing in Ad Exchange" for the network.
Reports  Historical
Label  Dynamic allocation opportunity
Impressions not competing (%)
Impressions not competing expressed as a percentage of total eligible impressions. 
Reports  Historical
Label  Dynamic allocation opportunity
Dynamic allocation saturation rate
Total number of dynamic allocation queries sent to Ad Exchange over the total number of eligible queries. To increase the value of Ad Exchange and dynamic allocation, the saturation rate should be as close to 100% as possible.
Reports  Historical
Label  Dynamic allocation opportunity
Dynamic allocation match rate
Total number of impressions won by an Ad Exchange line item, regardless of whether there was a competing line item.
Reports  Historical
Label  Dynamic allocation opportunity
Unfilled competing impressions
Number of queries sent to Ad Exchange for the network, where Ad Exchange did not win the impression.
Reports  Historical
Label  Dynamic allocation opportunity

EEA & UK traffic rate (Deprecated)  
Rate of traffic from the EEA (European Economic Area) and the UK. This represents the portion of your site's or app's traffic that was eligible for European regulations messaging.

Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  European regulations messages

European regulations messages shown
Number of times a European regulations message was shown to users.

Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  European regulations messages

European regulations consent rate
Percentage of European regulations messages where the user consented to all of the purposes and vendors.

Formula: (Messages where the user consented to all purposes and vendors) / (European regulations messages with an outcome)

Includes instances where the user clicked "Consent" and where the user consented to all options in the custom consent flow. The denominator excludes messages without an outcome.

Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  European regulations messages

European regulations NPA rate (Discontinued)  
Rate of pageviews where users chose the NPA (non-personalized ads) option in the European regulations message, or dismissed the message. Excludes pageviews that resulted in no decision. 

Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  European regulations messages

European regulations no consent rate
Percentage of European regulations messages where the user rejected all purposes and vendors.

Includes instances where the user clicked "Do not consent" and where the user rejected all options in the custom consent flow. The denominator excludes messages without any outcome.

Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  European regulations messages

European regulations custom consent rate
Percentage of European regulations messages where users made a consent choice after selecting "Manage options".

Excludes instances where the user consented or rejected all purposes and vendors. The denominator excludes messages without any outcome.

Note: The "Manage options" text is customizable and may be named something different in your message.

Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  European regulations messages
IDFA explainers shown
Number of times IDFA explainer messages were shown to users.
Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  IDFA messages
IDFA no decision
Number of IDFA explainer messages where the user didn’t choose anything.
Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  IDFA messages
IDFA IAB messages shown
Number of times a European regulations message was shown immediately before the iOS ATT alert.
Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  IDFA messages
IDFA ATT alerts shown
Number of iOS ATT alerts that were triggered by an IDFA message.
Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  IDFA messages
IDFA ATT consent
Number of iOS ATT alerts triggered by the IDFA message where the user chose to allow tracking.
Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  IDFA messages
IDFA ATT decline consent
Number of iOS ATT alerts triggered by the IDFA message where the user chose to deny tracking.
Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  IDFA messages

IDFA ATT consent rate
Percentage of iOS ATT alerts triggered by the IDFA message where the outcome was to allow tracking. Calculated as the IDFA ATT consent metric divided by the total number of times the ATT alert was shown.

Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  IDFA messages

IDFA ATT decline rate
Percentage of iOS ATT alerts triggered by the IDFA message where the user chose to deny tracking. Calculated as the IDFA ATT decline consent metric divided by the total number of times the ATT alert was shown.

Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  IDFA messages

Invoiced impressions
Impressions that appear on an Ad Manager network's invoice, including companion impressions not associated with a mobile, video, or rich media uplift.

In certain instances, this metric may have minor discrepancies with your invoice due to delayed impressions, spam filtering, etc. If your network has any free impressions, they are still counted in this metric.

Filled impressions are invoiced differently based on the inventory involved:

  • For mobile app and video inventory, filled impressions are counted when the ad is rendered according to video first-frame and mobile app impression counting methodologies. Unfilled impressions aren’t billed.
  • For other inventory, they’re billed as downloaded impressions. Unfilled impressions are billed, but included in the “Invoiced unfilled impressions” metric total.
  • Impressions filtered as invalid traffic aren’t included.
Available to Google Ad Manager 360 publishers and by request to Ad Manager publishers.
Reports  Historical
Label  Invoiced impressions

Invoiced unfilled impressions
Requests from inventory other than mobile apps or video players for which Ad Manager did not return an ad. Unfilled impressions for mobile app and video inventory, unfilled out-of-page impressions (excluding Anchor ads), and unfilled impressions from server-side requests (using Tagless Requests) aren’t billed.

Only available in Google Ad Manager 360.
Reports  Historical
Label  Invoiced impressions

Mediation chains filled (Beta) 
Count of mediation chains in which an ad was delivered. This means the ad network did not pass back, but does not necessarily mean an impression was counted.

This metric is counted when the mobile client pings Ad Manager that an ad was delivered. The ping is occasionally delayed or lost. Only filled mediation chains are counted as code serves and responses served.

Learn more about Mediation.

Reports  Historical
Label  Mediation chain

Mediation chains served
Total requests where a Mediation chain was served, even if none of the ad networks delivered an ad.

Note that in Reporting we define a Mediation chain as a response to a GMA SDK request with:

  • At least one third-party ad tag, or
  • At least one mobile fallback ad tag

Learn more about mediation.

Reports  Historical
Label  Mediation chain
Mediation fill rate 

Formula: Mediation chain impressions ∕ (Mediation chain impressions + Mediation passbacks)

Mediation chain impressions refer to impressions served using a Mediation chain.

Value is "Unavailable" when no impressions or passbacks have served.

Learn more about mediation.

Reports  Historical
Label  Mediation chain

Mediation passbacks
Passbacks are counted when an ad network is given a chance to serve but does not deliver an ad, and Ad Manager Mediation moves on to the next ad network in the mediation chain. 

This metric is counted when the mobile client pings Ad Manager that an ad network passed back. The ping is occasionally delayed or lost.

Learn more about mediation.

Reports  Historical
Label  Mediation chain

Estimated revenue from all sources (Beta) 
Revenue earned through Offerwall, including Rewarded ad revenue and third-party integrations.


  • Before February 29th, 2024, this metric included the total Rewarded ads revenue across the network, regardless of whether the ads were initiated from the Offerwall.
  • Currently, when this metric is split out by the "Domain" dimension, all revenue will be reported at the eTLD+1 level. Revenue generated from Offerwalls shown on subdomains will be aggregated at their eTLD+1.
Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  Offerwall messages
Offerwall messages shown (Beta) 
Number of Offerwall messages shown to users.
Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  Offerwall messages
Offerwall bounce ratio (Deprecated)  
The number of messages where entitlement wasn’t achieved divided by the number of messages shown.
Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  Offerwall messages
Post-offerwall page views (Beta) 
The number of pages viewed by users after gaining an entitlement. Only counts pages included for Offerwall.
Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  Offerwall messages
Offerwall successful engagement (Beta) 
The number of messages where the user gained an entitlement.
Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  Offerwall messages
Host impressions
Total impressions for the host publisher.
Reports  Historical, Partner finance
Label  Partner management
Host clicks
Total clicks for the host publisher.
Reports  Historical
Label  Partner management

Host CTR
Click-through rate (CTR) for the host publisher. CTR is the percentage of impressions served by the Google Ad Manager server that resulted in users clicking on an ad.

Formula: (Clicks ∕ Impressions) × 100

Reports  Historical
Label  Partner management
Host revenue
Your share of revenue as the Ad manager network host. It’s the total host revenue earned, calculated in your network’s currency, for the ads delivered by the Google Ad Manager server. The amount represented on a single row is your share of revenue after distributing revenue share to your partners.
Reports  Partner finance, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Partner management
Host eCPM
The average effective cost per thousand impressions the host publisher earned from ads that served to its websites and apps.
Reports  Partner finance
Label  Partner management
Partner revenue
The partner publisher’s share of revenue pre-reconciliation, as calculated by the financial terms to which it belongs.
Reports  Partner finance, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Partner management
Partner eCPM
The average effective cost per thousand impressions the partner publisher earned in its share of revenue.
Reports  Partner finance
Label  Partner management
Partner impressions
Total impressions for the partner publisher. For Track assignments, this value will be 0, and you should instead look at the "Host impressions" metric.
Reports  Historical
Label  Partner management
Partner clicks
Total clicks for the partner publisher.
Reports  Historical
Label  Partner management

Partner CTR
Click-through rate (CTR) for the partner publisher. CTR is the percentage of impressions served by the Google Marketing Platform ad server that resulted in users clicking on an ad.

Formula: (Clicks ∕ Impressions) × 100

Reports  Historical
Label  Partner management
Gross revenue
The partner publisher’s share of total revenue pre-reconciliation.
Reports  Historical, Partner finance
Label  Partner management

Total monetizable content views
The number of video views from the shared partner content. Learn more

Reports  Historical
Label  Partner management
Backup image impressions
The number of times a backup image was served instead of the Rich Media creative.
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio viewership

Total display time
A Rich Media metric that measures the total amount of time, in seconds, that each Rich Media ad is displayed to users over the specified date range. For ads with multiple assets (for example, a Rich Media In-Page with Floating ad), the total display time is only counted for the out-of-banner asset. This number is reached using the following calculation:

Formula: Rich Media total display time = Rich Media display time × Rich Media impressions
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio viewership

Average display time
A Rich Media metric that measures the average time, in seconds, that a Rich Media ad is displayed per impression. This is calculated using the following formula:

Formula: Rich Media average display time = Rich Media total display time ∕ Rich Media impressions

Reports  Historical
Label  Studio viewership
Total expansions
Number of times a rich media expanding ad reached an expanded state, and the total amount of time that the ad was in an expanded state. This event is counted only once per impression, while the time the ad remains in an expanded state is recorded as a total expansion time.

If an expanding ad is expanded by a user for 10 seconds, and then expanded by the same user a second time for 10 seconds, the number of expansions is recorded as one, and the total expanding time is recorded as 20 seconds.

Reports  Historical
Label  Studio interaction
Average expanding time
Average amount of time, in seconds, that a rich media expanding ad is viewed in an expanded state. Any expansion times that exceed several minutes are capped. This rule prevents skewed results for average expansion time in reporting.
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio interaction
Interaction time
Total amount of time, in seconds, that a user interacted with a rich media ad. 

Formula: Rich media total interaction time = Rich media interaction time × Rich media interactive impressions
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio interaction
Total interactions
Total number of any non-impression events (exit links, movie loads, counter events, and timer events) that occurred when a user interacted with a rich media ad. This number is reached by adding up the sum of all counter events.
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio interaction
Interaction rate
Rate at which users interacted with a rich media ad. 

Formula: Rich media interaction rate = Rich media interactive impressions ∕ Rich media impressions
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio interaction
Average interaction time
Average time, in seconds, that a user actively engages with an ad. For example, users could place their cursor over a game-like ad in order to scroll, click or otherwise interact with the ad for a prolonged period. 

Formula: Rich media average interaction time = Rich media total interaction time ∕ Rich media interactive impressions
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio interaction
Interactive impressions
Number of rich media line item impressions that result in user interaction.
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio interaction
Manual closes
Number of times that a user manually closed a floating, pop-up, expanding, in-page with pop-up, or in-page with floating ad.

This metric isn't automatically tracked by rich media. You must ask your ad designer to add the necessary event function to a close button in order for this metric to be tracked.

Reports  Historical
Label  Studio interaction
Full-screen impressions
Measures the impression only once when a user opens an ad in full screen mode.
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio interaction
Total video interactions
Number of times that a user clicks on the graphical controls of a video player. This metric is recorded by measuring any changes to the video play experience other than auto-play and auto-complete.
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio video metrics
Video interaction rate
Ratio of video interactions to video plays.

Formula: Video interactions ∕ Video plays
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio video metrics
Number of times that a video is played.
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio video metrics
Number of times that a video is restarted.
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio video metrics
Number of times that a video is stopped.
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio video metrics
View rate
Percentage of a video that is watched by a user. For example, if a user watches 20 seconds of a 30-second video, the video view rate percentage is calculated as 66.66.

A video length value must exist for this metric to be calculated. Studio automatically detects the value, or it can be manually entered in Ad Manager.

Reports  Historical
Label  Studio video metrics
Custom event - count
Number of times that a user interacts with any part of a rich media ad in a specified way (mouse-overs, mouse-outs, click-ins, data loading, keyboard entries, etc.). Anything that can be captured in ad development can be recorded as a counter. The default aggregation is one event per impression (except for exit links, which are counted every time).

For example, 100 users expand an expanding ad. The number of expanding counters is 100, regardless of how many times a user expanded the ad.

Developers can override the aggregation of counters to allow them to track multiple times within a single impression.

Reports  Historical
Label  Studio custom metrics
Custom event - time
Time during which a user views and interacts with a specified part of a rich media ad. A creative can have multiple timer events, each timed independently. This metric is presented per timer per impression. 

For example, if a timer is triggered twice, once for four seconds and once for six seconds, the report shows one timer event with a time of 10 seconds.

Developers can override the aggregation of timers to allow them to track multiple times within a single impression.

Reports  Historical
Label  Studio custom metrics
Forecasted impressions
Total number of projected impressions, including those that have been reserved by existing line items. This metric can also include some unavailable impressions that aren't shown in interactive forecasting.
Reports  Future sell-through
Label  Sell-through
Available impressions
Number of forecasted impressions that are not reserved by existing line items.
Reports  Future sell-through
Label  Sell-through
Reserved impressions
Number of forecasted impressions that have been reserved by existing line items.
Reports  Future sell-through
Label  Sell-through

Sell-through rate
Percentage of forecasted traffic that has been reserved for standard or sponsorship line items.

Formula: Sell-through rate = (reserved impressions ∕ forecasted impressions × 100)

Reports  Future sell-through
Label  Sell-through

Total impressions
Total impressions from the Google Ad Manager server, AdSense, Ad Exchange, and yield group partners. Learn more about how Ad Manager counts impressions.

The "Total impressions" metric does not count impressions served by companion ads. To include the number of impressions served by companion in your report, add the "Master and Companion creative" dimension available in Historical report type.

Reports  Historical, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Total

Total code served count
Number of times the Google Ad Manager ad server, AdSense, Ad Exchange, and third-party Mediation networks responded to a request for an ad. A code serve is not counted if the ad server response is empty.

If this metric is broken down or filtered by Line item, Advertiser, Order, Line item type, and any unsupported dimension, the results could be incomplete. Using these combinations can cause all reservation impressions to be reported as "0", "unknown", or "-".

The supported dimensions that can be combined with the ones listed above are: Ad unit, Placement, Creative, Creative size, Creative type, App names, Devices, Inventory types, and Device category.

  • For video requests and out-of-page requests:
    Formula: Total code served count >= Impressions
  • For traditional display requests:
    Formula: Total code served count ~ Impressions
  • For Mediation chains, we advise against using Total code served count to report on any inventory. This metric contains data for the total code served count of the mediation chain, as well as responses from mediation networks. This combined data may produce results that are unclear.
For delayed-impression requests, the code served count value is generally more than the impressions value because code served count reflects Ad Manager responses regardless of whether a creative was actually rendered. For traditional display requests, pre-rendering creatives can also cause a discrepancy between code served count and impressions.
Reports  Historical
Label  Total
Total clicks
Total clicks served by the Google Ad Manager server, AdSense, and Ad Exchange.
Reports  Historical
Label  Total
Total CPM and CPC revenue
Total amount of CPM and CPC revenue based on the number of units served by the Google Ad Manager server, AdSense, Ad Exchange, and third-party Mediation networks.
Reports  Historical, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Total
Total CPM, CPC, CPD, and vCPM revenue
Total amount of CPM, CPC, CPD and vCPM revenue based on the number of units served by the Google Ad Manager server, AdSense, Ad Exchange, and third-party Mediation networks.
Secondary currencies are now supported for reports that include cost-per-day (CPD) revenue metrics. This change is retroactive, so you may see different results when comparing data from reports run before July 24, 2018.
Reports  Historical
Label  Total
Total average eCPM
eCPM averaged across the Google Ad Manager server, AdSense, Ad Exchange, and third-party Mediation networks.
Reports  Historical, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Total

Total CTR
A percentage showing how often people who see your ad end up clicking it. Click-through rate (CTR) is total clicks, divided by total impressions, multiplied by 100. Total CTR is updated nightly and accounts for all impressions and clicks across Ad Manager, AdSense and Ad Exchange:

Formula: (total clicks ∕ total impressions) × 100

Reports  Historical
Label  Total

Unfilled impressions
Total number of ad requests to the Google Ad Manager server, AdSense and Ad Exchange that didn't return an ad. Learn more about unfilled impressions.

Note: Cannot appear in the same report as the "Creative size (delivered)" dimension. They are incompatible.

For traditional display requests:

Formula: Total ad requests − Total code served count

It’s important to understand that, even if all Unfilled impressions had served, it’s likely some of them would not have counted in reporting. Learn about how Ad Manager counts impressions

Note: Cannot appear in the same report as the "Creative size (delivered)" dimension. They are incompatible.

Reports  Historical, Partner finance
Label  Total, Partner management
Total targeted impressions
Total number of ad requests received for a single targeted key-value pair. For more information, see Report on key-values.
Reports  Historical
Label  Total
Total targeted clicks
Total number of clicks received for a single targeted key-value pair. For more information, see Report on key-values.
Reports  Historical
Label  Total

Delivery indicator 
Percentage of the impression goal delivered per the percentage of time elapsed. The delivery indicator is always with respect to the current state, not the reporting date range chosen.

Formula: (% impression goal delivered ∕ % of time elapsed)

If a sponsorship line item has a "Minimum quantity" defined, that quantity is used as the impression goal in the delivery indicator calculation.

This metric is deprecated. Use the "Delivery indicator" Line item dimension attribute instead.

Reports  Historical
Label  Total
Total Multiplex cell impressions (Deprecated)  
The number of times Multiplex ads (retired) begin to load for a user, counting a separate impression for each ad in the grid. For example, when a grid of four ads begins to load on three separate occasions, we count it as 12 impressions.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership

Total ad requests
The sum of all ad requests. It is equal to the sum of "Unfilled impressions" and "Total code served count". For single ads, each request is counted once.

For optimized pods:

  • Each ad returned in the pod is counted as an ad request.
  • Your ad opportunity duration is used to calculated the number of ad requests for any unfilled time in the pod.
Reports  Historical, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Total
Total fill rate
Formula: (# Total impressions) ∕ (# Total ad requests)
Reports  Historical
Label  Total
Total responses served
The total responses served to an ad request.
Reports  Historical
Label  Total
Total unmatched ad requests
Total requests where no ad was selected. Calculated from the unfilled time for optimized pods.
Reports  Historical
Label  Total
In-app purchase transactions
Number of times in-app purchases occurred.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Total
The total number of transactions.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Total
eCommerce transactions
The total number of eCommerce transactions.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Total
Total unloaded impressions due to CPU
Helps publishers understand the impact of Chrome ads intervention due to CPU usage.
Reports  Historical
Label  Total, Ad server, AdSense, Ad Exchange
Total unloaded impressions due to network
Helps publishers understand the impact of Chrome ads intervention due to network usage.
Reports  Historical
Label  Total, Ad server, AdSense, Ad Exchange

Drop-off rate (Beta)
Percentage of ad responses that didn't result in an impression. Apply the filter "Creative technology" = Video.

Formula: Drop-off rate = 1 − (Total impressions ∕ Total Code Served count).

Reports  Historical
Label  Total

Inactive begin to render impressions
Impressions (via begin to render methodology) considered inactive, as defined by served to a device receiving ad or bid requests continuously for a session of greater than 16 hours without a "reset" event.

Sessions are reset daily at 5:00 AM, local time, and when the device goes longer than 30 minutes without a request. They are also reset by any VAST interaction ping (for example, pause, mute, unmute, volume changes).

This metric applies only to CTV ads.

The inactive impression is excluded from all existing impression metrics except the following: Ad server unfiltered downloaded impressions, Ad server unfiltered tracked ads, and Ad server unfiltered begin to render impressions.

Reports  Historical
Label  Total

Total rewards
Total rewards measures the total amount of rewards granted to users from watching ads.

Reports  Historical
Label  Total

Inventory shares (Beta) 
Total number of “shares” by pod, stream, opportunity, or impression.

This metric counts the:

  • Pod requests for pod sharing
  • Stream requests for stream sharing
  • Opportunities for opportunity and impression sharing

The number of opportunities is the request duration divided by the standard ad opportunity duration set by the host network, capped by the max ads allowed for the request.

Reports  Historical
Label  Total

Inventory share partner unfilled opportunities (Beta) 
Number of opportunities that the receiving publisher did not fill and were given back to the host to fill.

The number of opportunities is the request duration divided by the standard ad opportunity duration set by the host network, capped by the max ads allowed for the request.

The number of opportunities for the host is always 0. This metric doesn't include client-side errors from the receiving partner. It only applies to opportunity and impression shares.
Reports  Historical
Label  Total

Total opportunities inferred
The sum of "Ad server opportunities from impressions," "Ad server opportunities from errors," "Ad Exchange opportunities from impressions," and "Ad Exchange opportunities from errors."

Reports  Historical
Label  Total

Total mute eligible impressions
The number of impressions that had the "Mute This Ad" overlay applied. Currently applicable only to "image" creative types.

Reports  Historical
Label  Total

Total muted impressions
The number of impressions where the user chose to mute the ad.

Reports  Historical
Label  Total

Total unique visitors
Total number of unique visitors, or "reach" exposed to your network is estimated based on publisher provided signals. If signals are not present, values may be less accurate. Learn how reach is calculated.

Values include the total unique visitors per:

  • Advertiser
  • Order
  • Line item
  • Ad unit

This metric is the result of de-duplication of individual users across many platforms. It's not limited to the number of web cookies or mobile identifiers (IDFAs & AdIDs) for in-app environments.

LabelUnique reach
Total reach impressions
The total impressions for unique audiences.
Reports  Reach
Label  Unique reach
Average impressions / unique visitor
The estimated total number of impressions attributed to each unique visitor your network reached.
Reports  Reach
Label  Unique reach

California traffic rate (Discontinued)  
Rate of page views eligible for California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) (formerly CCPA).

This metric has been deprecated; see US states traffic rate.

Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  US state regulations messages
US states traffic rate (Discontinued)  
Rate of page views from US states with applicable privacy legislation.
Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  US state regulations messages

US states opt-out rate (Deprecated)  
Percentage of US state regulations messages where users chose the opt-out option

Formula: (Privacy legislation opt-outs)/(US state regulations messages shown)

Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  US state regulations messages
US states messages shown
Number of times a US state regulations message was shown to users.
Reports  Privacy & messaging
Label  US state regulations messages
Number of times that a video is started.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership
First quartile
Number of times that a video plays to 25% of its length.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership
Number of times that a video is played until the middle of its view length.
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio video metrics, Video viewership
Third quartile
Number of times that a video plays to 75% of its length. 
Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership
Number of times that a video plays to its completion.
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio video metrics, Video viewership
Average view rate
Percentage of a video that is watched by a user. For example, if a user watches 20 seconds of a 30-second video, the video view rate percentage is calculated as 66.66.

This is not a viewability metric, as defined by the MRC Viewability Guidelines.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership
Average view time
Average time, in seconds, that a video is viewed per view.

Formula: Total video view time ∕ Video starts

For example, a 20-second video is viewed by one user for 20 seconds. A second user views the same video for only 10 seconds. The video view time is calculated as 15.00 seconds.

If a user drags the scrubber (video timeline) backward or stops the video altogether, the video view time is stopped.

For Rich Media creatives:

Formula: Total video view time ∕ Video plays

This is not a viewability metric, as defined by the MRC Viewability Guidelines.

Reports  Historical
Label  Studio video metrics, Video viewership
Completion rate
Percentage of times the video played to the end.
Video completes / Video starts
Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership
Total error count
Number of times an error occurred, such as a VAST Redirect error, a video playback error, or an invalid response error, including for dynamic allocation (Ad Exchange and AdSense) impressions.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership
Total error rate
Formula: Total error count ∕ (Total error count + Total impressions)
Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership

Video length
Duration of the video creative, if hosted by Ad Manager.

Applicable to advertiser-hosted Programmatic Guaranteed or Preferred Deal programmatic video creatives only, this metric will report the "Max duration (seconds)" value set in the corresponding line item.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership
Skip button shown
Number of times the "skip" button was shown (the skip button is shown 5 seconds after a skippable ad starts).
Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership
Engaged view
Number of times the ad was viewed to completion. For VAST 3 or 4, a completion occurs either when the user reaches the end of the ad, or reaches the "Skippable view time" defined in your network settings, whichever comes first.

This is not a viewability metric, as defined by the MRC Viewability Guidelines.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership

View-through rate
Percentage of times the ad was viewed.

Formula: Engaged view ∕ Skip shown

This is not a viewability metric, as defined by the MRC Viewability Guidelines.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership
Number of times video ads play automatically. To implement auto-play metrics in your player, set the autoPlayAdBreaks parameter using the SDK.

The unknown video initiation value can be derived by subtracting the number of impressions counted in the "Auto-plays" and "Click-to-plays" metrics from the "Ad Server impressions" metric for a specific video placement.

Note that Auto-plays is incompatible with Ad Exchange impressions. Although Auto-plays can be selected alongside Ad Exchange impressions in reporting, the result will always be empty.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership
Accredited by the Media Rating Council Accredited by the MRC for Video creatives within Connected TV (CTV), Desktop, Mobile Web, and Mobile application environments. Learn more about MRC accreditation.
Number of times video ads have played when clicked. This is the default behavior of video ads.

The unknown video initiation value can be derived by subtracting the number of impressions counted in the "Auto-plays" and "Click-to-plays" metrics from the "Ad Server impressions" metric for a specific video placement.

Note that Click-to-plays is incompatible with Ad Exchange impressions. Although Click-to-plays can be selected alongside Ad Exchange impressions in reporting, the result will always be empty.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership
Accredited by the Media Rating Council Accredited by the MRC for Video creatives within Connected TV (CTV), Desktop, Mobile Web, and Mobile application environments. Learn more about MRC accreditation.
Number of times a user paused the video ad. 
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio video metrics, Video interaction
Number of times the user unpaused the video.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video interaction
Number of times a user rewinds the video.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video interaction

Number of times the video player was in the mute state during the play of a video ad. If a player is muted before the ad plays, it's counted the same as when a user mutes the player while the ad plays.

Note: The "Mute" count may be higher than "Start" count for video. This can happen when, for example, first mute is triggered by the SDK via adsManager.setVolume(0) prior to the ad loading.
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio video metrics, Video interaction
Number of times that a video is unmuted after starting the mute state.
Reports  Historical
Label  Studio video metrics, Video interaction
Number of times a user collapses a video, either to its original size or to a different size. For overlays, this tracks the number of times the user minimizes the ad without fully removing it from the player.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video interaction
Average time, in seconds, that an expanding ad is viewed in an expanded state.

Any expansion times that exceed several minutes are capped. Extended expansion time can occur when a user opens an expanding ad without collapsing the ad or closing the browser. This cap rule prevents skewed results for average display time in reporting. While this event is counted only once per impression, the time that the ad remains in an expanded state is recorded as the total expansion time.

For example, if a user expands an expanding ad for 10 seconds, and then the same user expands the ad a second time for 10 seconds, the number of expansions is recorded as one, and the total expansion time is recorded as 20 seconds.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video interaction
Full screen
Number of times ad clip played in full screen mode. Event only applicable for Windows Media Player.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video interaction
Number of times an ad was skipped.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video interaction

Average interaction rate
Number of user interactions with a video, on average, such as Pause, Full screen, Mute, and so on.

Formula: Video interactions ∕ Video starts

Reports  Historical
Label  Video interaction
VAST error count
The number of times a specific VAST video error is encountered. Learn more about VAST video error codes.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video errors

TrueView views (Beta)
Number of TrueView ad impressions viewed. A TrueView ad impression is considered viewed when the ad is watched to completion or watched to 30 seconds, whichever happens first.

Shows values for Ad Exchange traffic only.

This is not a viewability metric, as defined by the MRC Viewability Guidelines.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership

TrueView skip rate (Beta) 
Measures the percentage of skips. For example, the % of times a user skips a given video by clicking "Skip." This option only applies to TrueView ads and appears after 5 seconds. 

Shows values for Ad Exchange traffic only.

Formula: TrueView skip rate = Skips ∕ Skippable ad impressions

This is not a viewability metric, as defined by the MRC Viewability Guidelines.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership

TrueView VTR (Beta) 
The view-through rate is the percentage of views divided by number of impressions. It represents the portion of TrueView ad impressions that were viewed. A TrueView ad impression is considered viewed when the ad is watched to completion or watched to 30 seconds, whichever happens first.

Shows values for Ad Exchange traffic only.

Formula: TrueView VTR = TrueView Views ∕ TrueView ad impressions

Reports  Historical
Label  Video viewership
Yield group impressions
Number of matched yield group requests where a yield partner delivered their ad to publisher inventory.
  • Desktop and mobile web
    For Ad Exchange and Open Bidding buyers, an impression is counted when the ad is downloaded on the publisher’s page, but not necessarily when it becomes viewable. Learn more about downloaded impressions in data transfer.
  • Mobile apps
    Banner format:
    • For mediated ad networks, Ad Exchange, and Open Bidding buyers, an impression is counted when one or more pixels of the ad creative is visible on a device's screen. Learn more about changing to mobile app impression counting.

    Interstitial format:

    • An impression is counted when the ad is displayed in the publisher’s app.
Reports  Historical
Label  Yield group
Yield group estimated CPM
The estimated net rate for yield groups or individual yield group partners.
  • For Open Bidding buyers and for Ad Exchange, this value is based upon the actual, real-time CPM bid.
  • For Mediation yield group partners, this value is based upon the CPM bid estimate used by Ad Manager when positioning buyers within the Mediation chain.

    If automatic data collection is enabled, this value reflects a combination of the "Default CPM" values and the average CPM collected by Ad Manager, adjusted for impression discrepancies with Ad Manager recorded impressions. Otherwise, the "Default CPM" value, defined by the publisher when trafficking a yield group, is used.

Reports  Historical
Label  Yield group

Yield group estimated revenue
Total net revenue earned by a yield group, based upon the yield group estimated CPM and yield group impressions recorded. This revenue already excludes Google revenue share.

Formula: Yield group estimated CPM × Impressions ∕ 1000

Reports  Historical
Label  Yield group

Yield group callouts
Number of times a yield partner is asked to return bid to fill a yield group request.

Only applies to Open Bidding; not Mediation.

This data is available for 45 days after the event.

This report metric can be affected by exchange quotas, which regulate how many requests they want to receive from Ad Manager, or the exchange's pretargeting configuration.

Because video pods can lead to multiple bid requests sent to third-party buyers, publishers shouldn't expect these values to match the available impressions values for third-party buyers.

Reports  Historical
Label  Yield group

Yield group successful responses
Number of times a yield group buyer successfully returned a bid in response to a yield group callout, even if that response is "no bids."

Only applies to Open Bidding; not Mediation.

This data is available for 45 days after the event.

Reports  Historical
Label  Yield group

Yield group bids
Number of bids received from Open Bidding buyers, regardless of whether the returned bid competes in an auction.This number might be greater than Yield group callouts because a buyer can return multiple bids.

Only applies to Open Bidding; not Mediation. This data is available for 45 days after the event.

Reports  Historical
Label  Yield group

Yield group bids in auction
Number of bids received from Open Bidding buyers that competed in the auction.

Some bids may be filtered out before the auction runs if the bidder's response omits required fields or contains a creative that violates Google's policies. Learn more about policies and enforcement.

Only applies to Open Bidding; not Mediation.

This data is available for 45 days after the event.

Reports  Historical
Label  Yield group

Yield group auctions won
Number of winning bids received from Open Bidding buyers, even when the winning bid is placed at the end of a mediation for mobile apps chain.

Only applies to Open Bidding; not Mediation. This data is available for 45 days after the event.

Reports  Historical
Label  Yield group
Mediation third-party eCPM
Revenue per thousand impressions based on data collected by Ad Manager from third-party ad network reports. Displays zero if data collection is not enabled.

Formula: (Third-party earnings ∕ Third-party impressions) × 1000

Learn more about mediation

Reports  Historical
Label  Yield group

Mediation third-party impressions (Deprecated)  

The number of impressions based on data collected by Ad Manager from third-party ad network reports. Displays zero if data collection is not enabled. Discrepancies between this metric and Yield group impressions may occur if an ad unit is targeted via multiple platforms.

Learn more about mediation

Reports  Historical
Label  Yield group

Mediation third-party revenue (Deprecated)  

The total revenue from mediation impressions based on data collected by Ad Manager from third-party ad network reports. Displays zero if data collection is not enabled. Discrepancies between this metric and Yield group estimated revenue may occur if an ad unit is targeted via multiple platforms.

Learn more about mediation

Reports  Historical
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