Manage Studio creatives

Traffic Studio floating and peel-down creatives

Google Ad Manager and Studio

Studio allows you or an advertiser to manage rich media creatives . These creatives can be shared or pushed to your Ad Manager network, where they can then be added to line items. Your Google Ad Manager network may not be able integrated with Studio. Talk to your Ad Manager administrator for more information.

A floating creative is a type of out-of-page creative that "floats” over your webpage. This creative doesn’t work with asynchronous Google Publisher Tags or iframe ad tags. When previewing the creative in Ad Manager, click "Open in new window" to see the correct position of the ad. This article discusses Studio floating creatives, which are built in Studio version 2, and provides best practices on trafficking them in Ad Manager.

After you've associated your Studio version 2 client with Ad Manager and pushed your Rich Media floating creative to your network, navigate to the creative and make the following adjustments:

Position your ad on the page

Change where the floating creative sits on a page by editing the following positioning fields:

  • Top: Number of pixels or percent distance between the creative and the top edge of the browser. 0 aligns the creative with the top edge. 100 percent aligns the creative with the bottom edge. 100 pixels separates the creative 100 pixels from the top edge.

  • Left: Number of pixels or percent distance between the the creative and the left edge of the browser. 0 aligns the creative with the left edge. 100 percent aligns the creative with the right edge. 100 pixels separates the creative 100 pixels to the right of the left edge.

  • Lock Position: The creative stays locked in the same spot when you scroll the browser. Leave the creative unlocked to let the creative move along with the page.

Set up your ad units

Once you've finalized the creative's settings, work with your webmaster to ensure that the ad tags serving the Rich Media floating creative include the proper out-of-page attribute.

Your webmaster should ensure that the <head> portion of the ad tag includes the defineOutOfPageSlot function and that the div ID included in the <body> portion of the tag includes the -oop suffix.

You can generate an out-of-page ad tag by selecting "Out-of-page unit" in the tag generator (learn how to generate an ad tag.

Peel-down creatives

A peel-down (also known as a pagecurl or peelback) is a type of Floating creative that is typically positioned to line up with the top right corner of the website. For this creative, set Top to 0 percent and Left to 100 percent.

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