What’s new in Google Ad Manager

Release notes for September 9, 2024

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Review this article to learn about new Ad Manager features and enhancements. Updates are usually posted every other Monday. For previous releases, you can check the archive

Traffic and deliver ads

SupplyChain update for publishers who use payment intermediaries 

The SupplyChain object specifies all intermediaries, represented as nodes in the chain, that were involved in the selling and reselling of ad inventory. Publishers who use payment intermediaries prior to the request to Google Ad Manager can now send SupplyChain objects in ad requests using the schain parameter. These SupplyChain objects are then sent downstream to bidders with Google's node appended. This includes publishers that use third-party ad server technology. 

Note: Any additional nodes appended to the SupplyChain object should also be represented on a publisher's ads.txt/app-ads.txt file, otherwise buyers might consider the traffic unauthorized. 

Learn more about bid transparency with the SupplyChain object.

Report and Optimize

Report Scheduling and Alerts now available in Interactive Reports (beta)

Interactive Reports (beta) has launched Scheduling and Alerts, additions that empower publishers to proactively monitor their performance data. By scheduling reports and setting custom flag thresholds, publishers can now receive timely email notifications whenever key metrics hit predefined levels. Learn more about interactive reports

Other product or Help Center updates

US state regulations messages update for Privacy & messaging

The US state regulations messages available in the Privacy & messaging tool are being updated this week to support publisher compliance with new state privacy regulations in Montana, Oregon, and Texas. Additionally, we are adding support for the GPP US National string. To use these new settings:

Learn more about US state regulations messages and how Ad Manager supports the IAB's Global Privacy Platform.

Update to Google’s approach to transatlantic data flows

As of 16 September 2024, when our clients and partners use Google’s Ads Services, Google, in certain circumstances, will rely on the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework for the transfer of personal information from Switzerland and the UK, respectively, to the U.S. Google has relied, in certain circumstances, on the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework for the transfer of personal information to the U.S since 1 September 2023. No action is required from you in order to rely on these new frameworks.


Coming soon

First-party identifiers for non-Google programmatic demand in web environments
Ad Manager publishers will soon be able to send first-party identifiers to Authorized Buyers and Open Bidding demand in web environments. For now, first-party identifiers will not be sent to non-Google demand on EEA, UK, Swiss, and Californian traffic. The “First-party identifiers for ads on web” control has been turned on by default for your account and can be found and managed in Demand channel settings.

Removing Change History Archive
On October 1, 2024, we will remove the Change History Archive, which stored changes older than 2016 or 2017 (depending on the network) or changes not otherwise visible in change history. If you’d like to view or store these changes, you must download them before October 1.

Newsletter Ads activation via the new Advanced Features tab
Ad Manager 360 publishers can opt in to activate Newsletter Ads and their associated serving fees directly in Ad Manager via the new Advanced Features tab, which will be housed under “Admin.” This removes any need to sign additional contracts outside of the user interface, as the feature is completely self-activated with a couple of clicks. 


See previous release notes

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