Explore the Industry benchmarks card

You can use the Industry benchmarks card to compare the performance of your network to the performance of similar inventory across other publishers. For the card to show data, your network administrator has to enable Benchmarks. By default, Benchmarks are enabled.

View insights using the card

  • Percentage of impression share: Review your share of impressions as a percentage for the selected inventory type.
  • Dimension breakdowns: Break down data by Continent, Demand channel, Device category, and Inventory type.
  • Two benchmark charts: Check benchmark data visualizations for Ad Exchange revenue, Ad Exchange eCPM, CTR, Impressions, and Viewability.

How the columns are calculated

  • Your Network and Benchmark: For percent change (% change) metrics these two columns show the relative change from start to end of the period, based on 7 day rolling-average values. For other metrics, these columns show an average for the time period.

  • Your Network vs Benchmark: This column shows the difference between your network and the benchmark for the selected time period.

Available filters

This card supports the following dimension filters (found on the workspace): Country, Demand channel, Device category, Inventory type, and Programmatic channel. If you select the App or Ad unit filters, only network data shows. The Yield partner filter isn’t currently supported for the card.

How to use the card

Step 1
To access the Industry benchmarks card, an administrator must enable Benchmark insights: 

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Admin, then Global settings.
  3. Under "Network settings," scroll down to "Report settings" and turn on On Benchmark insights

Learn more about Benchmarks

Step 2
With Benchmark insights enabled, you can start using the card on your workpace.
Example of the Homepage dashboard overview in Ad Manager showing the "Industry benchmarks" card

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. On a customizable workspace, add the Industry benchmarks card.(Help me add a data card)
  3. To view benchmarks broken down by dimension, click the menu Expand and select a dimension:
    • Continent
    • Demand channel
    • Device category
    • Inventory type
  4. For detailed charts, on a table row, click Expand.
    • Compare your network (the blue line) against the industry benchmark (the red line). 
      Values shown are based on a 7 day rolling-average to even out daily traffic fluctuations.
    • For percent difference by date, hover over a chart.
  5. To view other benchmarks:
    • Next to the metric selector with "Ad Exchange revenue" as the default, click the menu Expand and make a selection.
    • Next to the metric selector with "Ad Exchange eCPM" as the default, click the menu Expand and make a selection. 

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