Report on publisher provided signals

Publishers can report on directly matched IAB taxonomy categories displayed in a flat hierarchical format for publisher provided signals (PPS).

Reporting data for key-values and PPS values are not expected to align because of intentional privacy-preserving constraints.

The following dimensions are available: 

  • Publisher provided signals (all levels)(Beta)   Publisher provided signals allow Ad Manager publishers to annotate key-values and audience lists with IAB taxonomy categories. “All levels” reporting is on the leaf node displaying the hierarchy in reporting in a flat manner. Reports "(None)" if publisher provided signals aren’t available.
  • Publisher provided signals (data provider)(Beta)  Reports the entity that provided the signal definition for the publisher. This can be the publisher itself or a third-party, such as BlueKai.
  • Publisher provided signals (delivered)(Beta)  Reports on publisher provided signals delivered to the winning programmatic bidder. Reports "(None)" if publisher provided signals aren’t available.
  • Publisher provided signals (top level)(Beta)  Publisher provided signals allow Ad Manager publishers to annotate key-values and audience lists with IAB taxonomy categories. “Top level” reports only on the root parent level with leaf nodes deduped per ad request. It is still possible for multiple top levels to exist in the same ad request.
    Reports "(None)" if publisher provided signals aren’t available.

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