Send publisher provided signals at time of ad request

You can send publisher provided signals at the time of the ad request to standardized industry segments that Google Ad Manager supports.

Send publisher provided signals

  1. Users visit the publisher's website, mobile app, or connected TV app.
  2. Publishers produce first-party signals that buyers may find valuable to reach their advertising client's goals.


    • Audience segments (such as interest and in-market) are gathered based on user activity on publisher properties. Examples: web traversal history, forms, and purchase history
    • Content signals are valuable when content is not discoverable. Examples: mobile app, video, and web content behind a login
  3. The publisher standardizes content and audience signals into an applicable PPS supported taxonomy.
  4. The publisher sends an ad request to Ad Manager, with content and audience signals sent as taxonomy category IDs.

    The IDs need to be set as part of tag configuration.

    For detailed instructions on setting up the ad tag with PPS, check the following references:

  5. Ad Manager sends these signals to programmatic bidders.
  6. Advertisers can target as usual.

Configure buyer eligibility for publisher provided signals

PPS can be sent on all ad requests, subject to privacy constraints, to Google demand, Authorized Buyers, Open Bidding, and SDK Bidding demand partners across your web, app, and video inventory.

Controls to select the demand channels and bidders you wish to share PPS with is in Demand channel settings in Ad Manager. Note that any default settings apply to all bidders within a demand channel, but you can make per-bidder exceptions within a demand channel for individual bidders using override groups. 

Make sure you configure sharing settings for any existing override groups by clicking the Override groups tab.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.

  2. Click Delivery, then Demand channel settings.

  3. Click Default settings.

  4. Go to "Publisher data sharing," then "Publisher provided signals: IAB Audience Taxonomy" or "Publisher provided signals: IAB Content Taxonomy."

  5. Select eligible buyers, such as Google demand, Authorized Buyers, Open Bidding, or SDK Bidding.

  6. Click Save.

Publishers should be aware of the following targeting and publisher controls options available to buyers.


  • PPS audience categories can only be passed on requests that allow for ads personalization.
  • Contextual PPS can be passed on all ad requests.

Google Ads, Display & Video 360

  • When opted-in, Google programmatic bidders (Display & Video 360 and Google Ads) can produce user profiles based on publisher provided audience signals to create interest-based advertising user profiles. 
  • PPS aren't used to develop cross-publisher user profiles. If a publisher chooses to pass PPS, they're only scoped to the publisher that provided them. This means user profiles produced using PPS aren't joined between publishers, or added to a profile produced using Google user identifiers.

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