Close your Ad Manager account

You may be able to close your Ad Manager account without assistance. This article explains how to do so, and what to expect afterwards.

If you’ve set up billing, or have an Ad Manager 360 account, please contact your account manager for closure options. 

Before you close your Ad Manager account

You might want to export your reporting data. After your account is closed, you won’t have access to reporting.

Requirements for closing your Ad Manager account

To close your Ad Manager account without assistance, the following points must be met:

Requirements to receive a final payment from your Ad Manager account

After you close your Ad Manager account, you'll receive a final payment within approximately 90 days of the end of the month.

Your final payment is paid to the primary payment method on your payments profile, provided that:

If you have an open AdSense or AdMob account, your remaining Ad Manager earnings will be available there. 

For more details, visit the Ad Manager payment guide.

Close your Ad Manager account

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Admin, and then Global settings.
  3. Under "Network settings," scroll down to "Account actions" and click Close account.

    Example of where to find the "Close account" button in Ad Manager

    Note: If "Account actions" doesn't show, the feature isn't available in your account. 
  4. If prompted, check the box for Ad Manager.
    Other products may be listed, but they can’t be selected.
  5. Click Confirm.

How does closing my Ad Manager account impact other products or accounts?

  • Closing your Ad Manager account doesn't impact other Google products, such as AdSense and AdMob. However, you may see your final Ad Manager invoice from the payment profiles of those products if you use them.
  • If you use other products, your payment thresholds won't be impacted unless they are also closed, in which case the threshold may be lowered.
  • Closing your Ad Manager account won’t impact your associated Google Pay account. However, if you close your Google Pay account, and wish to reactivate your Ad Manager account at a later date, you’ll be prompted to associate a new Google Pay account. Learn more about closing your Google Pay account.

What happens after my account is closed?

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