Explore the Identity insights card

The Identity insights card can help you understand how the loss of third-party identifiers and the introduction of first-party identifiers may impact your revenue and inventory.  

Review the card for insights on:

  • How your ad request coverage differs between various identifier types
  • How privacy restrictions may impact your overall performance

The card’s insights cover first-party identifiers and third-party identifiers. The Protected Audience API (formerly known as FLEDGE), the Topics API, and secure signals aren’t included. 


The card shows identifier types present in ad requests, and whether personalization was possible. Note that the card’s revenue data is historical and not a projection for revenue uplift. 

You can switch between two views on the card: “Share of ad requests” and “Share of impressions or revenue.”

About the “Share of ad requests” view

You can review which ID types (third-party IDs, PPID, or first-party IDs) were present on ad requests, and whether they could be used for personalization. 

You can also use this view to discover what percent of traffic is missing identifiers and can’t be personalized. Identifier presence and personalization status is indicated as "Active," "Restricted," or "Missing."  

The "Share of ad requests" view of the Identity insights card on the Overview Home dashboard in Ad Manager

  • View ad request coverage for three ID types:
  • Break down data by four key dimensions:
    • Operating System category
    • Browser category
    • Device category
    • Continent
  • Review charts for each metric:
    • A breakdown by demand channel
    • A breakdown of ad request coverage over time
About the “Share of impressions or revenue” view

With this view you can check the ID and personalization coverage across your inventory by the share of impressions or revenue. 

Review the ID type used or sent to buyers if personalization was allowed, or see if personalization was restricted or unavailable.
The "Share of impressions or revenue" view of the Identity insights card on the Overview Home  dashboard in Ad Manager

  • View impression or revenue coverage by ID type if personalization was allowed:
    • Includes third-party IDs, PPID, and first-party IDs
  • Understand if personalization was restricted or unavailable with the following statuses:
    • No personalization: No personalization was possible, but an ID was chosen for other purposes, such as frequency caps. Note that this classification will be phased out in favor of “non-personalizable IDs” and “personalization restricted.” Shows only for data occurring before April 16, 2024. 
    • Non-personalizable IDs: An ID that can’t be used for personalization was present. Other uses, such as frequency caps, were possible. 
    • Personalization restricted: An ID was present, but personalization was not possible due to a serving restriction. Other uses, such as frequency caps, were possible. 
    • No ID: No ID was available. 
  • Break down share of impressions or revenue by five key dimensions:
    • Operating System category
    • Browser category
    • Device category
    • Continent
    • Demand channel
  • Review charts for each metric:
    • The charts show ID type or personalization status for impression and revenue coverage over time.
    • Hover over a chart to view results by date and percentage.

Note that the card’s revenue data is historical and not a projection for revenue uplift.

How to use the card

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. On a customizable workspace, add the Identity insights card.(Help me add a data card)
  3. In the top-right corner of the card, select either the Share of ad requests or Share of impressions or revenue view.

On the “Share of ad requests” view

  1. Under “Select ID type(s) to view ad requests coverage,” click ID types to review.
  2. Under “Dimensions,” click dimensions to include in the breakdown.
  3. To further break down your dimensions, add a filter.
  4. To view detailed charts, on a table row, click Expand.
  5. Review the chart showing personalization status by demand channel.
    Hover over the chart for percentages. 
  6. Review the chart for ad request coverage over time.
    Note that the time chart matches the date range selected on the workspace. Hover over the chart for percentages by date. Learn more about this view

    Let’s say you wanted to understand what share of your traffic could have been personalized by ID types other than third-party IDs. In the “Share of ad requests” view, you’d select PPID and First-party IDs to review breakdowns for that portion of your traffic. 

    Likewise, to find how much of your traffic could have been personalized through PPIDs alone, you could select just PPID.

On the “Share of impressions or revenue” view

  1. In the top-right corned of the card, select Share of impressions or revenue.
  2. Next to “Dimension,” click dimensions to include in your breakdown. 
  3. To further break down your dimensions, add a filter. 
  4. To view detailed charts, on a table row, click Expand.
    The chart breaks down impression or revenue coverage by ID type or personalization status.
  5. To view the percentage breakdown by date, hover over the chart.
    Note that the time chart matches the date range selected on the workspace. Learn more about this view
    Let's say you wanted to understand the share of impressions by ID type used for personalization for a specific dimension, such as "Device category."
    You'd select the "Share of impressions view," click the "Device category" dimension, and review the breakdown charts for each result.


What do the personalization statuses indicate?

  • Active: A user identifier was present and available for personalization.
  • Restricted: A user identifier was present, but its usage was restricted. It can't be used for personalization, but frequency capping may be allowed.
  • Missing: A user identifier wasn't present.

Why do most of my ad server impressions show “Non-personalizable ID”?

Ad server non-programmatic channels can only be personalized through user-list matching, which uses PPIDs and third-party IDs. 

When there is no user-list match, the ID type will likely be "Non-personalizable ID." This means an ID was present but could only be used for non-personalization use-cases, such as frequency caps. The exclusion of other Google provided first-party IDs in non-programmatic channels explains the ad server traffic data.

Ad server programmatic guaranteed and preferred deals can be personalized by PPIDs, other first-party IDs, and third-party IDs.

What’s the difference between “User identifier status” and “Third-party ID status” in reporting?

Both of these dimensions report whether third-party IDs or device IDs were present on a given ad request. However,
  • "User identifier status" first checks permissions, then ID presence. Because it checks permissions first it may have the value "restricted," even if no ID is present. 
  • "Third-party ID status" first checks presence, then permissions. Because it checks presence first it may have the value "missing," regardless of whether the user has opted out of personalization. 

Why do the Operating system and Browser dimensions sometimes show “Unknown” or “Other”?

The "Other" operating system category includes all other mobile, desktop, and CTV operating systems that aren't iOS or Android.
"Unknown" means the operating system was not known.


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