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Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings™ (Beta)

Run a Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings™ report

Once your campaign begins delivering, you can run a report to see campaign reach, based on Nielsen data. You should also include total inventory in your report to see the number of impressions delivered outside of your Nielsen demo, and adjust your line item targeting accordingly.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Reporting, and then Reports.
  3. Click New report.
  4. Click Edit and select Reach. Then, click Done.
  5. Include the Delivery, and then Order dimension.

  6. (Optional) Include any of the following dimensions:
    • Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings segment: Audience and frequency metrics.
    • Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings restatement date: The date Nielsen calculated the data, if data was restated. If this column is blank, the originally provided Nielsen data was never restated.*
    • Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings device category: Nielsen device categories: desktop, mobile, and CTV devices.
    • Line item, and then Nielsen Average Number of Viewers: Nielsen's estimated number of viewers applied to the line item's OTT/CTV impressions. This is an attribute of the "Line item" dimension.

    You can optionally include the Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings demographics dimension. However, some in-target metrics will become unavailable.

  7. Select the desired metrics and click Run.

If no data is reported, you should confirm the campaign status with Nielsen. Campaigns that have been inactive for an extended period of time may be automatically canceled by Nielsen.

Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings metrics

The following metrics are available in Ad Manager reporting:

The impressions that have accumulated from the beginning of this row’s cumulative metric date range.

If the date dimension is included, this metric is for all impressions that have accumulated from the beginning of this row’s cumulative metric date range up to and including the row’s date.

Population base
Total population of the market defined by the age and gender for this row.

% population share
Population / Total Population (For Demographics)

Unique audience
Number of people that have been reached by ads for this campaign since the beginning of this row’s cumulative metric date range.

If the date dimension is included, this metric is for total reach that have accumulated from the beginning of this row’s cumulative metric date range up to and including the row’s date.

% audience share
Cumulative Reach / Total Cumulative Reach (For Demographics)

Audience index
% Reach Share (For Demographics) / % Population Share (For Demographics)

% impression share
Cumulative Impressions / Total Cumulative Impressions (For Demographics)

Impressions index
% Impression Share (For Demographics) / % Population Share (For Demographics)

% audience reach
Cumulative Reach / Population

Average frequency
Cumulative impressions / Cumulative Reach

Gross rating points
Cumulative Impressions / Population * 100

In-target impressions
The total number of impressions served that were measured to be in-target.

You can include the "Nielsen DAR device category" dimension to see these impressions by device category.

In-target unmeasurable impressions
The number of impressions served where Nielsen was not able to measure the gender and age range, but we expect to be in-target.

You can include the "Nielsen DAR device category" dimension to see these impressions by device category.

Processed Nielsen in-target rate
The adjusted in-target impression share used for pacing and billing, based on the gross rating point (GRP) pacing preferences indicated in your line item settings.

This metric requires the "Line item" dimension, and additionally only supports the "Date" and "Order" dimensions. The line item attribute "Nielsen Average Number of Viewers" is not compatible with this metric. Data may lag by several days due to Nielsen reporting delays.

Both "In-target total impressions" and "In-target unmeasurable impressions" are computed from raw data received from Nielsen. They do not take into account the co-viewing or billing settings specified in your line item. Significant differences may exist between the new "In-demo rate", visible in the line item summary, and these in-target impressions.

* If Nielsen has to recalculate and replace the data, the restatement date is the date the recalculation took place.


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