Privacy & messaging report

The Privacy & messaging report type shows data related to the way users interact with the messages you display in your sites or apps. The metrics available in the report can help you understand which messages are reaching users and how those users are interacting with your messages.

There are two ways to access your Privacy & messaging report:

  • Click Reporting, then Reports, and then New report, then change the Report type to "Privacy & messaging."
  • Click Privacy & messaging. Click Manage on one of the message type cards on the Privacy & messaging page. Then, click the View reports link on the metrics card.

Reports include data for all your sites and apps set up in Ad Manager, AdSense, and AdMob.


This article describes the following metrics and dimensions:

European regulations message reporting metrics

These metrics are available for the Ad Manager Privacy & messaging report. Data associated with these metrics begins to accumulate when they are first enabled in your Ad Manager account and they won't contain any data for previous dates.

European regulations messaging metrics will not be available with ad unit deployment. Instead, implement European regulations messaging in your apps using the UMP SDK for detailed reporting support.
  • European regulations consent rate
    Percentage of European regulations messages where the user consented to all of the purposes and vendors.

    Formula: (Messages where the user consented to all purposes and vendors) / (European regulations messages with an outcome)

    Includes instances where the user clicked "Consent" and where the user consented to all options in the custom consent flow. The denominator excludes messages without an outcome.

  • European regulations custom consent rate
    Percentage of European regulations messages where users made a consent choice after selecting "Manage options".

    Excludes instances where the user consented or rejected all purposes and vendors. The denominator excludes messages without any outcome.

    Note: The "Manage options" text is customizable and may be named something different in your message.

  • European regulations messages shown
    Number of times a European regulations message was shown to users.

  • European regulations no consent rate
    Percentage of European regulations messages where the user rejected all purposes and vendors.

    Includes instances where the user clicked "Do not consent" and where the user rejected all options in the custom consent flow. The denominator excludes messages without any outcome.


US state regulations message reporting metrics

These metrics are available to report on US state regulations messages using the Ad Manager Privacy & messaging report. Data associated with these metrics begins to accumulate when they are first enabled in your Ad Manager account and they won't contain any data for previous dates.

  • California traffic rate (Discontinued)  
    Rate of page views eligible for California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) (formerly CCPA).

    This metric has been deprecated; see US states traffic rate.

  • US states traffic rate (Discontinued)  
    Rate of page views from US states with applicable privacy legislation.
  • US states opt-out rate (Deprecated)  
    Percentage of US state regulations messages where users chose the opt-out option

    Formula: (Privacy legislation opt-outs)/(US state regulations messages shown)

  • US states messages shown
    Number of times a US state regulations message was shown to users.
  • US states opt-out selection
    Number of times users chose the opt-out option in the previous 30 days for a US States or CCPA message.


IDFA message reporting metrics

These metrics are available to report on IDFA explainer messages using the Ad Manager Privacy & messaging report. Data associated with these metrics begins to accumulate when they are first enabled in your Ad Manager account and they won't contain any data for previous dates.

  • IDFA explainers shown
    Number of times IDFA explainer messages were shown to users.
  • IDFA no decision
    Number of IDFA explainer messages where the user didn’t choose anything.
  • IDFA IAB messages shown
    Number of times a European regulations message was shown immediately before the iOS ATT alert.
  • IDFA ATT alerts shown
    Number of iOS ATT alerts that were triggered by an IDFA message.
  • IDFA ATT consent
    Number of iOS ATT alerts triggered by the IDFA message where the user chose to allow tracking.
  • IDFA ATT decline consent
    Number of iOS ATT alerts triggered by the IDFA message where the user chose to deny tracking.
  • IDFA ATT consent rate
    Percentage of iOS ATT alerts triggered by the IDFA message where the outcome was to allow tracking. Calculated as the IDFA ATT consent metric divided by the total number of times the ATT alert was shown.

  • IDFA ATT decline rate
    Percentage of iOS ATT alerts triggered by the IDFA message where the user chose to deny tracking. Calculated as the IDFA ATT decline consent metric divided by the total number of times the ATT alert was shown.


Ad blocking recovery message reporting metrics

These metrics are available to report on ad blocking recovery messages using the Ad Manager Privacy & messaging report. Data associated with these metrics begins to accumulate when they are first enabled in your Ad Manager account and they won't contain any data for previous dates.

  • Ad blocking recovery messages shown
    Number of times an ad blocking recovery message was shown to users.
  • Ad blocking recovery message conversions
    Number of ad-blocking messages shown in the selected date range that resulted in users adding the site to their allowlist to view ads.
  • Allow-ads conversion rate (cookie-based) (Deprecated)  
    This metric may not be accurate as it is no longer supported.

    The conversion rate (based on browser cookies) of users that saw the ad blocking recovery message and then chose to allow ads.

    Users may have seen the ad blocking recovery message prior to or during the report time frame.

    Formula: [Allow-ads conversions (cookie-based)] / [Ad blocking recovery messages shown] = [Allow-ads conversion rate (cookie-based)]

  • Ad blocking extension rate
    Percentage of page views where users had ad blocker extensions installed. Includes only Desktop page views.

    Formula: (Extension ad blocker page views) / (Page views)

    Note: Since mid-February 2024, we've removed page views that occurred on mobile and tablet devices from this metric. The change was applied retroactively to historical data.

  • Allow-ads conversion users (cookie-based) (Deprecated)  
    This metric may not be accurate as it is no longer supported.

    Number of users (based on browser cookies) who saw the ad blocking recovery message and then chose to allow ads. Users may have seen the ad revenue recovery message prior to or during the report time frame.

  • Allow-ads page views
    The number of page views generated by users with an ad blocking extension installed who were shown the ad blocking recovery message and later allowed ads.

Offerwall (Beta) message reporting metrics

These metrics are available to report on Offerwall messages using the Ad Manager Privacy & messaging report. Data associated with these metrics begins to accumulate when they are first turned on in your Ad Manager account and they won't contain any data for previous dates.

  • Estimated revenue from all sources (Beta) 
    Revenue earned through Offerwall, including Rewarded ad revenue and third-party integrations.


    • Before February 29th, 2024, this metric included the total Rewarded ads revenue across the network, regardless of whether the ads were initiated from the Offerwall.
    • Currently, when this metric is split out by the "Domain" dimension, all revenue will be reported at the eTLD+1 level. Revenue generated from Offerwalls shown on subdomains will be aggregated at their eTLD+1.
    Money pledged through is included in the "Estimated revenue from all sources" metric; however, given that tabs may never be closed, it won't necessarily match the exact amount paid out to you.
  • Offerwall messages shown (Beta) 
    Number of Offerwall messages shown to users.
  • Offerwall successful engagement (Beta) 
    The number of messages where the user gained an entitlement.
  • Post-offerwall page views (Beta) 
    The number of pages viewed by users after gaining an entitlement. Only counts pages included for Offerwall.

Compatible dimensions

The new dimensions and metrics available for the Privacy & messages report are compatible with the following existing Ad Manager dimensions:

  • App names
    Shows performance by mobile app. "(Not applicable)" may appear if the app name could not be resolved. For a complete view, add the "App ID" dimension.
  • Country
    Country associated to IP address from ad slot request
  • Date
    Daily breakdown of data. In Ad Manager, the data is shown in an extended format, such as Monday, January 18, 2016. The exported format is more compact, for example M/D/YY.

    Note: The exported date format is based on the language and/or location associated with the Google account of the person creating the report. In reports created by other users, such as scheduled reports, the exported date format may differ from the format in reports created by you.

  • Day of week
    Calendar day of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday)
  • Device category
    Shows delivery by device category: Connected TV (CTV) device(Beta), Desktop, Feature phone, Set-top box (STB), Smart display, Smartphone, Smart speaker, and Tablet.
  • Domain
    Shows performance by top domain, such as "". Excludes subdomains.
  • Entitlement source (Beta) 
    Shows performance by the entitlement source: "Rewarded ad," " (3P): receive payments," "Interest capture," and "Custom choice" user choices.

  • Inventory types

    Shows performance by general groups of inventory. Possible values are:

    • Web: User is viewing the content through a PC or laptop computer, or from their mobile or tablet browser.
    • App: User is viewing the content through a mobile app on their smartphone or tablet. Note that Ad Manager identifies mobile apps via use of the SDK. Publishers using simplified URL tags to make requests for an app may see inconsistent results.
    • AMP: User is viewing the ad on an Accelerated Mobile Page, which has been designed to load mobile web content faster.
    • Other: Ad Manager can't detect where the user is viewing the content.
  • Month and year
    The related month and year. Example: "October 2019"
  • Operating system group
    Name of device operating system group. Examples: Apple iOS, Android, Macintosh, Microsoft Windows 10.
  • Region
    Region associated with the IP address included in the ad slot request.
  • Week
    Weekly date range, formatted as "M/D/YY - M/D/YY".
  • Site
    Shows publishers data for their domains and subdomains. Use Site instead of the Domain dimension to see metrics split by subdomain.

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